
Topic: Taglines/Names

Used Car Dealership Name

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
My husband and I are going to be starting a used car dealership in a small town. My dad is in the business and I have been working for him for 5 years full time. We want a name that people are going to know. My dad has always sold quality cars and trucks and we will be doing the same. We are starting small, but still want people to know that we will be selling the same quality of cars as my dad. His business is a family name and we are just at a stand still for a name.
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Can you leverage your dad's business name for yours'? For example, Smith Kids Used Cars? Or, how about "2nd Generation Cars"?
  • Posted on Author
    My dad is ok with me starting a competing business. He is actually giving advice and what not. I appreciate the suggestions. We will consider those in making our decision. Thank you!
  • Posted by babbsela on Accepted
    What do you want to convey with your business name? That it's a reputable place to shop, a fun place to buy a car, or something else?

    What makes your dealership different from all the other used car lots in town? Everyone claims to sell quality used cars and trucks, so what else should they know?

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