
Topic: Taglines/Names

Need Punchilne/tagline For Our Company.

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
Actually I'm on way to change the structure of my father's small business. As you can understand how important Company Name, Logo, Punchlines, etc are. As these are company's assets which gives first impression to market. I want to set attractive PunchLine, for which I need your suggestion.

Brief Intro: HAPW Food Products, its actually manufacturing company who makes macaroni (to be fried) in a raw form. Its B2B scenario where our clients are companies who buy it from us, do the frying process and sell finish product in the form of mini Snack pouches. Basically the market in Pakistan for raw macaroni product is messy because of many manufacturers. But still we are among top leaders because of Superior Quality. We produce in less quantity but extremely good quality as compare to competitors. We are also one of pioneer in introducing this product in Pakistan.

I thought of PunchLine:
* HAPW Food Products ~ for us Quality matters more than Quantity ~
* HAPW ~ Name of Quality Snacks ~

Can you guys suggest me what image this PunchLine brings about company internationally, or any other idea(s).

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  • Posted on Author
    Let me tell you few more things..

    1) we are not dealing with end user directly. Our clients are companies who use our product as a raw material for their finish product.

    2) our client also put different flavors like; cheese, spicy, ketchup etc. Which attracts end users.

    3) why our client prefer us, because of unique taste, nice shape, and our product consume less oil which reduce their cost. 4) trust! As we are one of the pioneers who introduce this product in town.
  • Posted by Gail@PUBLISIDE on Accepted
    A couple of things -- what you request is a tagline, not a punchline (the latter is the end or "punch" of a joke).

    If your father's brand is established and respected, don't drastically change it. If you're providing a more contemporary production value, you can emphasize that in the tagline. Otherwise, something like "Quality and Controlled Producers of Fine Snacks" might work.

    The same goes for the logo. If it's been the same for 10-25 years, yes, it's time for something more contemporary. Just be sure that it matches the "feel" of the words you use in the business name/tagline, for what your company represents and a look that will resonate with your buyers.
  • Posted on Author
    Hey thanks for your reply.. Actually I did MBA from RMIT University Australia, and now I want to bring this business internationally for which I need proper brand name.. I like tagline that you suggest, on first sight I planned to put the same tagline under our company name.. now what i need is to put 3 or 4 words phrase under logo.. like HAPW - Pioneer in Quality Snacks..
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    The Flavor Innovation Leader
    Unique Flavors + Your Recipe = More Customers

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