
Topic: Taglines/Names

Closing Line For Video Promoting Website

Posted by feathercabin on 250 Points
We are shooting 5 instructional videos to promote our new Church Management Software. We want folks to use this system to update their own information, look up contact information of others, communicate with their groups and more.

The videos will be humorous and I need a very catchy phrase that will be used to close each one.

Our system is called MCConnect! (for Mission Church Connect).

Here are some ideas that have been submitted by church members:

No sweat, just use the internet.
The internet. Who needs paper?
The internet. No sweat.
Are you ‘netting?

So, you get the idea...this needs to appeal to a wide audience (teens to seniors). Thoughts anyone?!

Hope I explained that well.

Many thanks,

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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Can you be specific as to:
    - who specifically you're targeting these videos to? (who's the customer?)
    - why should someone use your software?
    - what's the benefit to using it (instead of other choices)?
    - why are you using humor as the focus?
  • Posted by feathercabin on Author

    1) We are a church with approximately 500 members. We replaced our old, outdated church management software with an eye-appealing, easy-to-use system called CCB (Church Community Builder)

    2) It's a comprehensive way for members to communicate with one another, make changes to individual profiles (i.e. address, contact phone, etc.) find groups of interest, register/pay for events, donate and much more all in one place.

    3) There are no other choices

    4) We want to use humor to connect with our target audience. Using humor in the past has worked very well for us (we did a play on the Mac vs. PC that went over quite well)

    Hope the additional information helps.

  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    Easy For The Whole Flock
    Thou Shalt MCConnect
  • Posted by philip1957 on Accepted
    ch UR ch connected
  • Posted by NovaHammer on Accepted
    Remembering that people hate change and may never watch to the end of any video let alone 5 perhaps the hook should be the first or Subject line or intro!

    Perhaps borrow from Paul Simon's tune...customize it ...if you can.

    Don't miss the bus, Gus...Improve your plan Stan..don't be coy, Joy...We missed ya, Sista.

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