
Topic: Taglines/Names

Golf Tournament Brand

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
We have run a golf tournament for the past 13 years and have a very basic name for it - The 14th Annual School Golf Tournament. We'd like to add a "phrase" to this after the word "Annual" that appeals to the participants but it also catchy for prospective sponsors.

Our tournament is being held at a local country club in Haymarket, VA,
that is at the base of Bull Run Mountain on Oct. 22, 2013, and we're considering an Oktoberfest theme but are not convinced that's a good choice. We're open to a "Fall" theme as well. We mostly get fathers to attend from the school and would like to have more moms participate. We also plan to do more advertising in the community to see if we can secure additional players.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!
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  • Posted by peg on Accepted
    Chances are that your sponsors for such an event will be local, and will prefer to spend their dollars on events that are directed at their locale. So, name the location that will most appeal to advertisers in your area, such as the "14th Annual Haymarket School Golf Tournament" or the "14th Annual Bull Run Mountain School Golf Tournament."

    A generic name like this also lets you adapt your theme each year so that if you want an Oktoberfest theme one year, and a marketing campaign that attracts women in another year, you won't have to change the tournament name each time.

    Two additional comments:

    1) The name is very long, so you'll want good graphics to split it into visual zones; and

    2) Everything seems to be themed Oktoberfest at that time of year and assuming your marketing budget is limited, it seems pointless to let your golf tournament drown in all that competition. Plus, a drinking-oriented theme for a school sponsored event is not exactly the height marketing, and some "family values" marketers avoid advertising/sponsoring drinking related events.

  • Posted on Author
    Thanks for your response! We do already include our school's name in the Tournament title "The 14th Annual Linton Hall School Golf Tournament" - my fault for not including that earlier. I agree it is long, and we are definitely looking at how to break it up visually.

    I agree too that there are so many Oktoberfest events. We really want our event to stand out, so that's why we're trying to make a "fun" brand for the event this year.

    An examples of this might be "The 14th Annual LHS "Spooktacular" Golf Tournament". But we want something less "child-like" and more golf term focused.

    Thanks again for your thoughts!
  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Accepted
    OK, so maybe create a new event name using something like the "Bogeyman" in the name.

    Lookout for the Bogeyman, Don't let the bogeyman get ya, the bogeyman's coming to Haymarket

    Then use your old name as your tagline --

    Scary Bogeyman Golf Day
    The 14th Annual Linton Hall School Golf Tournament

    hope this helps you think outside the box, Steve
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Another way to break it up is to start with the key part of the name and end with the number, for example instead of "The 14th Annual Linton Hall School Golf Tournament" try "Linton Hall School Family Golf Tournament XIV".
  • Posted on Author
    Thank you so much for everyone's comments!! They're very helpful and creative!! We may go with something like The XIV Annual Linton Hall School Golf Tournament "Beware the Bogeyman" or "Bogeyman Bash"

    This way we can change the theme each year, and the roman numerals. We love the Roman Numerals idea!

    I appreciate you each taking the time to respond and think about our event!

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