
Topic: Taglines/Names

Need A Tagline For Industrial Testing Lab

Posted by richa.doshi on 25 Points
need a tagline for a lab involved with industrial analysis and testing in various fields like drugs & pharma, food & food products, Industrial oil & coal, Ores metals, painst, varnishes, pesticides nd fertilizers, etc....., please suggest some good tag line for branding since we are planning for new website
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  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    Who is your target audience? Where are they located? What are you trying to communicate with the tagline? What's the name of the company?

    More importantly, WHY do you need a tagline? What do you expect it to do for you? What tagline have you been using up until now? Why change it? There is no rule that I know of that requires a tagline on new websites.
  • Posted by richa.doshi on Author
    Hi, Company name is- Italab Private Ltd. We are engaged in providing industrial testing & analytical services for the following sectors:- Fuels, Petroleum Products, Paints, Varnishes & Plastics- Project Consultancy- Textiles, Chemicals. target audience could be an individual from housing society requesting testing on portable drinking water or tyre manufacturing company or a pharmaceutical company, anyone who wants to get their sample tested.
    tagline till date we were using was "Accurate Impartial And Reliable". Now we want it to be something refreshing and catchy
  • Posted by richa.doshi on Author
    Thank you for your response but i need something that looks fresh as well. something like

    "Whatever your industry, wherever your operations, we deliver essential information" or

    "Details Matter. Trust the Experts"

    Got these from web. Can you suggest something on this line
  • Posted by peg on Accepted
    You said "refreshing," so I'll take you at your word ...

    Obsessive about impeccable test results.

    You name it, we test it.

    Accurate, objective testing by professional perfectionists.

  • Posted by richa.doshi on Author
    what do you think about
    "Achieving Excellence Through Analytical Services"

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