
Topic: Taglines/Names

New Name For Iphone App Development Company

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Hello- I am looking to rename my mobile development company. We originally started out with just two of us and now we're growing. The current name is "Johnson App Consulting" which is way to long.

We'd like to have a short name that speaks to what we do..."We Make Apps". Any thoughts?


-Mark Johnson
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  • Posted on Accepted
    Johnson Apps Online

    Johnson Apps Shop/Store/factory

    Best apps place
  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Member
    Mr. Mark Johnson,

    The issue with "Johnson App Consulting" isn't that it's too long, it's that it doesn't pre-condition your target audience as to your unique positioning in the universe of app development services and therefore isn't a branding strategy.

    Have you developed a positioning strategy and creative brief for your rename project?


  • Posted by Hemeeri on Member
    Appy Days

    App, App and Away!

    The Only Way is App

    App-Art World
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    The following domains are all currently available:
  • Posted by Matt_Leopold on Member
    Apptists (domains avail)

    AppIT! (domains avail)

    or how about


    Good luck

  • Posted by peg on Accepted
    Your name isn't too long; it's just that "consulting" makes it sound smaller than you want it to be. Johnson App Labs, Johnson App Technology, Johnson App Development, are all fine alternatives for which you need no change to your logo, etc.

    However, once apps are no longer the new-new thing in tech and there's something else, your company may face new competitive challenges in transitioning to whatever that next new-new thing is. So, instead of a company name that includes "app," you might also consider Johnson Tech Labs, Johnson Tech Development, Johnson Custom Tech, Johnson Tech Wizardry, Johnsontech, etc. and then use a tagline -- as you presently do to great effect on your website -- "WE MAKE APPS." That's very clear and tells your customer they're in the right place.

    For the next new-new thing, your tagline would change, but not your company name, logo, etc. It becomes simple; you simply transition to "WE MAKE WOOKIES." Apps drop to the footnote section of your website and your team is instantly competitive in a new direction ... the first wave of which is usually the most lucrative for developers.

    Hope you find these thoughts helpful. BTW, like your website but hope you can update those 2011 statistics soon -- they make it look like no one's home. :) If you can't update them, then take the date out of the headline.

  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    I agree with SteveByrneMarketing: It's not the length of the name as much as the message it communicates. You create apps, and "consulting" doesn't say that.

    I believe for something this important you need to bring in a professional who can guide you through the positioning and naming process. It doesn't need to be a lengthy, expensive, time-consuming project; but it does need to be carefully considered -- more than we can do with 8-10 well-intentioned suggestions on a forum where folks just shoot from the hip and offer their creative input.

    You can post a project in the Hire an Expert section of this website (see the column at the right side of this page), or you can look through the profiles of some of the top experts and see if you think one of them might be appropriate for your project (and then contact them directly). There are a number of folks here who are really good at this sort of thing.
  • Posted on Author
    Thanks. We really like

    We will update the website with the new dates. Thanks!


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