
Topic: Taglines/Names

Need Help To Create A Tagline For A Fashion Boutique And Hair Saloon

Posted by Anonymous on 25 Points
Hi everyone, I'm new here :)

I'm running a retail shop, a combination of fashion boutique and hair saloon. It already has a good catchy name and as it's starting to develop a reputation, I'd like to have a friendly + humble + classy tagline which combines both nature of the business that can last long. The main audience mainly goes to ladies customers, age from 18 to 40. The biz natures are all sorts of hair services and selling only cocktail-type dresses. I prefer not to use direct words that describe the business: ie the use of 'hair', 'cloth', 'fashion', 'saloon', 'boutique'.

Previously, I've tried each of these but keep on changing the tagline as I feel I still couldn't find the right one.

- It's Girls Bonding Spot.
- Bold your hair, Express your style.
- Feel the Looks, Sense the Impressions.

Sorry if my description is too long. I really work hard finding a good tagline but seems like I failed myself. Please help.
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  • Posted by peg on Accepted
    It sounds like you're caught between conflicting ideas. To clarify your thoughts, instead of thinking about what you want to say, why not think about what you want your customers to do or be?

    Your tagline could then be something and direct, like ...

    -- Come for style, fashion and friendly bonding
    -- Try a new look today
    -- Get ready to look great!

    Stay focused on your customer, and the tagline will work better and last longer.

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