
Topic: Taglines/Names

Name Needed For Holistic Fitness Bootcamp

Posted by laura-kyle on 250 Points
Hey there!

I own a holistic fitness business called Wellthy Bodies (after the Gandhi quote, "It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver).

I need a catchy, creative name for my bootcamp classes. Though it's open to men as well, my target market is stay-at-home Moms, generally weightloss clients.

Even in our bootcamps, the focus is on changing a persons mindset to make a permanent lifestyle change. Flexibility, balance and mind training are all addressed.

Acronyms are ok!

Some key words I like:
-Life, alive, live

Thanks in advanced for your help! I'm glad I found this website, it's very informative!

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  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Accepted
    Where is your boot camp located? Why are you targeting “stay-at-home Moms”, what special benefits do you provide that is uniquely for them?
  • Posted by laura-kyle on Author
    Thanks for the replies so far!

    Classes are located in a mid-upper class neighborhood of Toronto. Classes are at a time where parents can attend after dropping their kids off to school/summer camp without having to go home (but still having time to get there).
    The area has a lot of public schools, private and public. Many of the Moms (and some Dads of course!) in the area are stay at home parents.

    These classes are a chance for them to meet new, like-minded people in similar situations to help keep eachother motivated.

    In general, this group is dealing with high-stress days, and have no time for themselves. My goal through the classes is to help them reduce stress and sleep better through exercise and education, give them a small community type setting for support to reach their goals, and help them realize the importance and benefits of self-care.

    And of course.... Shed fat and get healthier!
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    We Want To See Less Of You
    Together Let's Boot Your Fat Out
    We Make Shedding Your Fat Easy
  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Member
    I like Jay's suggestion, "We Want To See Less Of You"

    Also, your own suggestion is clear and direct, "Shed Fat, Get Healthier". And these other options:

    Join Our Day Group And Get Healthier
    Join Our Day Group, Lose The Weight And Stress

  • Posted by peg on Accepted
    Wellthy Body Bootcamp is the most direct and memorable. Then use a tagline to explain whatever you need to make your target customer understand the concept. Also, go directly for your target market rather than trying to be all things to all people. For instance:

    Making stressed moms healthy, wellthy and trim

    A day of health and balance for stressed moms

    Healthy classes for mom while the kids are in school

    The favorite words you listed above tend to be overused and because of that, they won't help you distinguish your message. However, you have a catchy business name that's suitable for any event or service you decide to offer, so go with that -- Wellthy Stretch Class, Wellthy Nutrition Counseling, Wellthy Boot Camp, etc.

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