
Topic: Taglines/Names

Name For Unique Stylish Comfortabl Furniture Store

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I am opening a furniture store that will stock stylish comfortable furniture collection covering range of sofas, bed sets, dining , office furniture. we concentrate more on higher class, (above middle class \ the RICH) SOFA SETS.

Please help find me a unique n stylish name and tag line that encompasses these and yet sounds hip, casual and fun.

so any thoughts and ideas would be greatly appreciated...

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  • Posted by peg on Accepted
    You say "stylish" and your store's name should probably come from style -- because wealthy people shop by taste rather than by budget limitation.

    So what style is it -- Italian modern? French provincial? Chinese traditional? Ranch baronial? Have a look at roche-bobois (dot) com to see how they've edited their collection to fit within a modern, sleek style. You'll want to use a similar approach to get into an upper-end market. It doesn't have to be the same furniture style as in this example, but you will have to establish a defined style if you want to communicate to a notoriously picky and knowledgeable consumer audience.

    Once you can say what that style is, you're much closer to a name that will work for you.

  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
  • Posted on Author
    thank you all for your responses.
    but i still need some more suggestions
    i cover a range of assorted sofas Italian, royal carved, engraved, most of them are bulky in size .

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