
Topic: Taglines/Names

New Tennis Program 3 Tiered Name

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
We are rebranding our tennis club and the program of coaching that we offer. I need 3 names for the three tiers of coaching that show increasing commitment expected from them but increasing benefits for them.

So far I have though of Spark (as in they begin to learn their skills) Ignite (as in their passion grows, they play more often and they become more of a competitive tennis player) and Inferno (for those who play 3-6 times a week regularly compete and are amongst our elite players)

These names need to appeal to kids as young as 2 up to adults and our senior players so fun and snappy are good.

Thank you for any suggestions

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  • Posted by Gail@PUBLISIDE on Accepted
    I like the names you have so far -- different than those that have been used time and again through the years. Now you must market them like crazy as well as the age groups they represent, because you will have to long educate your audience. As you likely know, it's going to come down to how well your coaching meets the names.

    However, the better you market and the greater the results of the kids with whom you work, those program names will fall out of mouths of tennis parents throughout your area.
  • Posted on Author
    Thank you, the only thing that I am worried about is do they appeal to all ages. You could be in the spark program as an adult or senior if you are only just taking up the sport. Or part of the infernos as young as 11. Do any of the names isolate a certain age groups as any one could be a part of any of the three?
  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    What happened to Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced? What's driving the need for new terminology? Do you think new words will communicate the different levels better than the old ones?
  • Posted on Author
    Its because of the commitment levels that will be expected from them. Once you become part of the ignite program you are expected to play a minimum of twice a week with a corresponding number of strength and conditioning sessions. Once you are part of the inferno program you are expected to play 3-6 times a week with the same number of s and c sessions as well as competitions and regular match plays to improve their national rating. But if the commitment is right, then a beginner could still be part of the ignite program or even the inferno program. The new names are to refer more to the intensity of the program rather than the level of the players. In return they will also the receive different extras as part of their membership
  • Posted by mgoodman on Moderator
    And you think the new names suggest different levels of commitment? I suspect your customers won't get it unless/until they hear or read the full explanation.

    Besides, positioning the offering based on how much the customer is committed sounds like a misguided strategy. What about segmenting based on the benefit the customer will receive? Wouldn't that make more sense?

    "How hard do you want to work?" doesn't seem nearly as appealing as "How good a tennis player do you want to be?" or "How soon do you want to start winning tournaments?"

    Tell 'em what's in it for them. Don't remind them of how hard it will be to achieve the goal, or how committed they will need to be.

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