
Topic: Taglines/Names

Help! Need Workshop Title - Major Creative Block

Posted by Anonymous on 500 Points
Dear Brilliant Marketing Minds,

I have created a workshop that teaches leaders how to be and hold others accountable. A major theme is that accountability is not a bad thing but can be an avenue to great organizational and personal career success. The title should appeal to both training managers who buy the training and leaders who register for the training. The benefits for the leader include: getting more done, building credibility, makes leader more valuable to the organization, leaders feel more successful and satisfied. Benefits for the organization include: healthier work environment, business goals are met.

I do believe the title should have the words LEADER and ACCOUNTABILITY somewhere, or some derivation of those words. I am looking for something compelling (gotta have this now).

Thank you very much for any and all suggestions. Everything I come up with is...big yawn, BORING.

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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    You've described what you're offering, but from the perspective of your target audience (Which is where? At what level of an organization? In what type of organization?) what are the concrete reasons from them to sign up? "More valuable to an organization, healthier work environment, etc." are all nice things - but does it make the leader (or their company) more money? Does it increase employee retention? Why should people trust your wisdom? What examples of previous success can you demonstrate?
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Thanks for the detailed answers. Here are a few suggestions that might be useful:
    Responsible Leaders Born Here
    Leadership With Accountability
    Become An Accountable Leader
  • Posted by NovaHammer on Accepted
    Rewards in Accountable Leadership Workshop
    FollowMe - Profit from Leaders Workshop
    Leaders Groomed-Real Skills, Solid Tools, Results Achieved.
    No Mind Left Behind: Workshop For Leaders
    Process Driven, Results Oriented, Pride Established.
  • Posted by doubleb on Accepted
    The first thing that comes to my mind when talking about accountability is "the buck stops here" so I'm wondering if there's a way you can work with that.

    Stop the Buck to Better Leadership
    Stop the Buck: Building Accountability into Leadership
    Stop the Buck: Leading the Way to Accountability
    The Buck Stops with Strong Leaders
    Leadership Workshop: Stop Passing the Buck and Build a Stronger Organization

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