
Topic: Taglines/Names

Tagline/slogan Needed For Interior Design Firm

Posted by Anonymous on 1125 Points
I am trying to re-brand my business and I would like to attract a higher end client. I need help with a tag line that isn't cheesy but makes them feel that I understand and can give them what they want.
My company name is Michelle Baxter Interiors.
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  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Member
    Hi Michelle,

    When you say "re-brand my business" that implies you will or already have created a new strategy (a re-positioning of your business). Have your written a business plan/marketing plan for your business? What is your existing brand position? How are you defining "higher end" customers? Do you have different competitors in the higher end segment? How is your product/service going to change? Why do you believe there is a market demand for a new entry into the higher end?

    With your answers to these question, we will be able to provide you with some good ideas for a tagline that really targets your customers with a message that is meaningful to them


  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    (Aside: Is this your current website: If so, you might want to clean it up to also convey "high-end" message.)

    If so, it doesn't appear that you've had a tagline before - so what are you hoping that a tagline will do for you?
    By definition, you're likely to only attract higher end clients, since interior design (etc.) isn't a service the average person is likely to be able to afford.

    Based on your previous higher-end clients, why did they seek YOU out? What makes you the right choice for them? What can you do better/differently from other designers?
  • Posted by mgoodman on Moderator
    Jay is asking important questions. What's going to change about your business when you "re-brand" it? What is the tagline going to do for you? The website suggests you are already high-end, at least based on the photos. Those are not shabby homes, and the furniture/furnishings are clearly high-end. So what do you want to change? What's driving the need for a tagline?

    You may want to start by thinking through your positioning and marketing strategy. That would seem to make more sense to me.

    "If you are not clear on where you're going, then you'll end up someplace else." --Yogi Berra
  • Posted on Author
    Hi everyone,

    You're all right in a way. Most of my portfolio is from a time when I worked for a design company. They had the resources to bring in higher end clients (advertising etc). On my own, it's been a bit of a struggle to get my name out there. The calls I have been getting are from people that watch Design on a Dime and think that a project can be done in a weekend and that I will do the painting.

    Steve, here are your answers:

    I am learning a lot about marketing as I go through this. Currently, I'm working on a marketing strategy that will get my name out to my target market which includes a new and polished website with a new logo (hence the tagline).
    I did the current website on my own, out of college, and it attracts similar people. I've since grown and I want to reflect that.

    Living in Northern Va., there is a demand for luxury design. From lobbyists to Senators to horse enthusiasts, there's a lot of potential clients.

    Thanks, Jay, for your input. The tagline idea came from a woman in a PR firm I had consulted for re-branding myself.

    Yogi bear does have a point! My thought process was: new logo and new website to attract a different "buyer" than before.

    I want to provide my clients with an experience. I want to help them realize their dream home; one that reflects who they are or who they want to be, one that blends two people together, or a family together, one that they look forward to coming home to. Long commutes in this area, I feel, make that last part especially important.

    I hope I have answered your questions. Sorry for the delayed response, but all things are put on hold when a little one needs you.

    Thanks again!
  • Posted on Author
    *berra NOT bear
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Given your answers to our questions, here are some taglines to play with:

    - Come Home To Your Dream
    - Make Your Home Exquisite
    - Beautiful Living Solutions
  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Member
    I think Jay's suggestion "Come Home To Your Dream" effectively communicates what you have provided as input.

    good luck
  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    The problem with this is that just because you build it, they are not likely to come. A new website won't be found by many people unless you actively promote it. So no matter how great the logo and the name and the tagline are, they're going to be invisible to your target audience without some serious marketing.

    It's doable, but it will take some investment spending ... even if you do it on a tight budget. You will still need to actively market your business and your website.

    So develop a plan and be realistic in what you can achieve within your budget. Good luck. It starts with great planning and a genuine commitment -- emotionally and financially. And don't forget to bring in professionals for the parts you can't do yourself.

    Trying to bootstrap or do it on the cheap is a sure road to failure.

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