
Topic: Taglines/Names

Help Coming Up With A Lingerie Name!!

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
My Lingerie focuses around the college girl/mid-20s-30s age women. Its like a mix between "Victoria Secret and Vogue". Keeping the elegance but buying it on a budget. I need names that sound appealing to you and conveys the statement?? I also like to consider cute names also. Name is one of my weaknesses as an upcoming entrepreneur....
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  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    Do you have a marketing plan? If so, it will really help us to know what drives decisions among your target audience when it comes to lingerie purchases. What are the most important criteria for selecting a brand and/or a retailer? What words do they use when they discuss this?

    You also don't tell us where your target audience lives and whether you're going to have a bricks-and-mortar store or an online store. And are you going to just sell others' merchandise, or are you going to manufacture your items? It's not clear what kind of business this is.
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Pin Up (Lingerie)
  • Posted by NovaHammer on Accepted
    Phocus - (The new F word?)

    Stirred - (But not shaken)

    Fatale - (The powerful part of the French phrase Femme Fatale; women of mystery etc)

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