
Topic: Taglines/Names

Piggy Bank Catch Phrase

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I am a financial advisor and trying to create a catch phrase to go along with a picture I have of a piggy bank being held by 3 sets of hands. Trying to convey financial security, planning.
So far have " Your Future. Your Family. Your Goals. Our Expertise." Would like to add something along the lines of- let us help you fatten your piggy bank or helping you save your bacon, let us show you how fat your pig can grow? Any ideas would be great!
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  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Accepted
    Your idea? It's been done. As a visual it needs to be led gently behind the type barn and quietly dispatched into the next world.

    Leave the catch phrases to stand up comedians.

    What you need is a head line, and a good one. One that zigs in a niche where everyone else is zagging. If you make your ad look like every other ad in your category you ad will vanish without a trace because it will be invisible. People will see it, but they won't notice it.

    There is a rule in advertising that says when you use a straight headline, you always use a bent image. Or vice versa. By this straight means just that: normal and bent means odd and quirky. But what you don't do is use a straight image and a straight headline because one cancels out the other.

    Here's an example of what I mean from the UK for Araldite glue:

    This ad ran in 1983.

    The following week the ad agency changed the headline to read "The suspense continues ..." The week after that, they added another car and changed the headline to "The tension mounts!". The week after THAT, the agency pulled off both cars, left a gaping hole in the bill board, and ran the headline "How did we pull it off?"

    In your ad, THIS is the standard to work toward! Come up with an idea of this quality and your ad will DEMAND attention.
  • Posted by Chris Blackman on Accepted
    Gary's right. The piggy bank idea is a total yawn. I think the real question here is what are you hoping to achieve? If the objective is to find new clients, the next question you should be asking yourself is whether advertising is even a viable way to do that? It might turn out to be a horribly expensive mistake! If you spend $3000 on production and media, how many clients will that attract? What will be the cost per client? How much work do you have to do for those clients just to break even on your advertising investment?

    For me, the more important questions are:

    1. What other methods are you using to find new clients?

    2. What has worked for you in the past?

    3. What has worked for other financial advisors in your marketplace?

    Give us some more background and the people here will be able to give you some solid-gold suggestions.
  • Posted on Author
    I am hoping to acheive two things. I am participating in a Senior Law Day where people can come in and get advise from professionals regarding laws, financials, etc. I would like to have a piece of literature/ poster with a catchy tag line to bring people's attention and get them to come to my booth. My business has won the northern colorado small business award of the year. For new clients, there is word of mouth, putting on seminars, I work with a tax business but am independent so I get a lot of my clients through our tax clients. If the pig is over done, what are babyboomers ( who is my target area) and their children looking for right now? I want people to have confidence in investing their money.
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    How about the image of a trampoline (with children & your tax clients) being held taught by your staff? Then the message is "no matter the ups & downs, you're safe with us..."
  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Member
    Simply speak to people about the percentage increases
    your advice has yielded for similar clients.

    This style of testimonial ad or message is best set up in
    a conversational tone of one person speaking directly to another. It must be truthful, factual, and engaging. It
    must illustrate the risks but it must also give more vivid illustrations of the benefits, outcomes, and images of life
    as it will be WITH the desired result firmly in place.

    The headline needs to a convey solid, aspirational outcome that people can see in their mind's eye and that is reinforced by call outs, sub heads, testimonials, and multiple ways to respond. The key here is urgency and scarcity: that people need to respond by X date and that you can only take on X number of clients within a specific time frame.
  • Posted on Author
    Thank you to all who responded

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