
Topic: Taglines/Names

Name /tagline For New Community Acupuncture Practice

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I am working on opening a new community acupuncture practice in Los Angeles. I would like a name for the practice that is not location specific since I am planning to expand outside of LA and want to build brand recognition without it being tied to a specific location. There is already a practice in LA with the name Village Community Acupuncture. This name connotes the feeling of community I am trying to create at my practice. The practice will have a spa like setting with Asian influenced decor. It will offer acupunture and other Chinese medicine treatments at an affordable rate without sacrificing quality of care. The working tag line I currently have is... XYZ community acupuncture because quality healthcare is for everyone. I would greatly appreciate any assistance.
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    People aren't looking for acupuncture for acupuncture's sake. They're looking for improved health or an improved sense of well-being. Are your treatments better for a specific type of person or specific types of ailments? That's what I'd focus on for a busines name, since you don't want to focus on a location.

    As for a tagline, I wouldn't use the word "community" in the phrase, specifically because your competition uses it in their name - and you may confuse your prospective clients. Are your treatments truly "for everyone"? How are you defining "quality healthcare"? Are your clients likely to come to you for preventative treatments or specific ailments?

    Finally - be sure that the name/tagline you choose, if connected to a "healing" benefit, is checked by a lawyer. California law is quite specific about what you can and cannot say about cures, and your local state lawyers may challenge your name in court.
  • Posted by info on Accepted
    I agree with Jay's comment, but would also like to add this:
    What's the one thing you want people to think of when they consider your practice? What makes it unique among the competition? What's the one thing you think you do better than anyone else in the area does? Who is your ideal patient, by disorder, location, age or other factors?

    When you have your answers, get a book called POP! Stand Out in Any Crowd. This terrific book gives techniques to help you come up with a great name or tagline.
  • Posted on Author
    Thank you for your responses, I would like to add some additional information. The practice is a going to primarily focus on treating cancer patients and their care givers in a spa like setting. Studies have shown that cancer patients benefit greatly from acupuncture especially when dealing with the side effects of chemo and radiation. California is very strict about what acupuncturists can say about treating cancer. I would prefer not to use the word cancer in my practice name or tagline.
    Thank you again for your responses
  • Posted by NovaHammer on Accepted
    Lotus Restorative Spa
    Acupuncture Specialists - Custom Fit For Families

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