
Topic: Taglines/Names

Need A Name For A Sale Horse Marketing Business

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points

The name " sale horse promotions" feels a little too dry to me.
Would like part of the name to use the word "Promotions", Horse and or Equine.

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  • Posted by Gail@PUBLISIDE on Accepted
    Maybe I'm not familiar enough with the business, but are you marketing the sale of horses or items for horses?
  • Posted by doubleb on Accepted
    What's the specialty or the thing that's unique to your business. Try to build that into the name or concept. It will set you apart from your competitors instantly.

    To me, "promotions" means something different than "selling" -- can you clarify?
  • Posted on Author
    To Gail - I'm marketing to people who want to sell their horses.

    Phil - "sale horse promotions or horse sale promotions" both seem a bit dry to me. I'm looking for a good word to make it memorable, pop a bit more.

    doubleb - My specialty is helping people market their horses they want to sell. I like to think that I help people "promote" their horses so that the ideal new home with contact them. I do not have any affiliation with the actual sale.
  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Accepted
    Equine Brokerage & Promotions
  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Member
    I see you have stated you have nothing to do with the actual sales of horses (or the actual buying of horses?)

    So if you are strictly 'promoting" the sales transactions of individual horses (for or not for profit?) why not just go with "Equine Promotional Services".

    Based on your limited input, that's the best I can come up with.

    Hope it helps,

  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    It sounds like you're doing more "marketing" than "promoting", since you're trying to figure out the right home for their horse, rather than trying to find the fastest/easiest way to sell the horse.

    You might consider using a tagline that's "dry" (Equine Marketing, for example) and pick a colorful name for your company (Arabian Dreams, Your Big Pony, The Horse Shouter, etc).
  • Posted on Author
    Steve- I like your suggestion "equine promotional services" . Thank you

    Jay - It will depend on the customer whether they need a quick/easy way to see the horse or spending the time to find the right home. I'll be doing both and both are important. I like your suggestion of "dry" tag line and colorful name but still thinking of a good colorful name that's not too "cutie".
  • Posted by NovaHammer on Accepted
    The Mane Thing

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