
Topic: Taglines/Names

Need Name For Books, Antiques Art And Crafts Store

Posted by Anonymous on 25 Points
The store is in an old building in the alley of a small town. The alley is on the back of Main Street. On the other side of the alley is the backs of the library, fire house and a community Center, but for the most part you would have to know the business is there. It is a smalll town, so word of mouth is a big issue. the customer would be the people of the small town, older women and younger homemakers. My retired husband, Joe, is opening the store and it will have books (old and new) he has collected for years, paintings painted by his 96 year old cousin and our daughter, painted arts and crafts by myself and our daughter. Also some antuiques. I really would like a play on the ALLEY but also want to fit in what the store will have, I'm lost! Please help. I will respond!
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  • Posted on Accepted
    or Hidden treasures , up the back alley antiques and goods, and lastly, the hidden cove antiques and crafts.

    Hope these help
  • Posted on Member
    "The back alley" antiques and crafts.

    I would be curious as to what is in the store if I saw this name. Sounds like some treasures are hidden.
  • Posted by NovaHammer on Accepted
    UnderCover Down The Alley

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