
Topic: Taglines/Names

Name For Designer Retail And Motorsport Gear Shop

Posted by nikki on 250 Points
I am opening a boutique in Wyoming that that sells designer clothing and motorsports gear. this is a very small area rich in the western and motorsport (in all seasons and forms) lifestyles. I am looking for a name that hits both on the western/cowboy ways as well as the motorsport lifestyle (dirt bikes, wheelers, boats, planes, snowmobiling/machining/sledding)I am not looking for that is not true to the cowboy and motorsport ways. My shop will offer a variety of clothing from mens womens and childrens to dresses, shirts, pants and gear of all sorts. I NEED HELP!
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Here are some ideas to get you thinking:
    Bang Up Boutique
    Pony Up Boutique
    Kick Up A Row Boutique
  • Posted by Ghost Writer on Accepted
    You might want to go with a simple name like -


    This is a word used by both your target demographics, and sounds rather cool. You could do a lot with graphic design, using a motif of mechanical gears, cowboy gear, etc. to form the word for your logo.

    I agree that your tagline needs to be general, such as -

    "Your outdoor clothing provider"

    "The outdoor lifestyle store"
  • Posted by nikki on Author
    awesome guys! Because there is NO WHERE here to shop for clothing for families, gifts or affordable gear I am hoping to carry a little bit of everything. Just to add variety. This is a very small area and am hoping that by offering more of a variety it will help me my shop to thrive in the "off" season. Granted it is a small shop I want to offer as much as I can and being a consumer and living in a rural area know how frusterating it can get having to travel 40-70 mi to the nearest big box store.
  • Posted by NovaHammer on Accepted
    Back In The Saddle

    And sometimes WY

    LEATHER & RACEwear.
  • Posted on Accepted
    Motorcycle fashion house/city/wear

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