
Topic: Taglines/Names

Tagline For Multi-media Printer / Agency

Posted by Samantha on 500 Points
My clients are formerly traditional printers (marketing collateral, banners, magazines) who are moving to a new client-focused positioning. They realize they exist to help their clients to engage those they serve: customers, students, donors or members. Sure, they do it with printing or cross-media materials, but what's important isn't the "how" but the outcome they provide: engagement.

My agency buddies offered some wonderful taglines with wordplay for printers, but we want to escape the commodity printing trap. I'd love to see a tagline about engagement.
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  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Member
    Alas, the secret isn't about engagement, so a tag line featuring engagement won't help ... engagement might work, but alone, engagement is not the key.
  • Posted by Samantha on Author
    Thanks for the feedback, Gary. We're not having any issues with engagement. There is a whole marketing plan and solution package for that. Just looking for a tagline.

    Others? :)
  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Member
    I'm not suggesting you are having issues with engagement. What I'm saying is that in order to CREATE engagement it is first necessary to initiate two other factors within the mix.
  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Member
    I don't understand, how can you have a " .. whole marketing plan" and not have a "branding statement" or "positioning statement" that could be reduced to an effective tagline? And if you do have such a statement, where is it?

    (note: a positioning statement is not a generic description of the segment category with buzz words all your competitors would use. A positioning statement is the result of strategic analysis and makes a believable claim of a significant benefit that your competitors cannot claim and only you can claim)
  • Posted by Samantha on Author
    Well, Steve, I'm trying to be somewhat confidential here and not post the entire positioning statement. Do you feel it's impossible to provide any tagline ideas based on the idea of "helping their clients to engage those they serve: customers, students, donors or members"?

    I just ask because I've seen such useful feedback on this forum for people who have shared much less info, and I'm trying to walk the line between helpfulness and confidentiality.
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    I'm not sure that "engagement" is the right positioning benefit for the printers (unless they create the artwork and the distribution of the printing). How are the printers better/different from their competition? Who specifically is their ideal customer - and why?

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