
Topic: Taglines/Names

Need Conference Tagline Help Fast

Posted by terri on 250 Points
Hello All,

We are a non profit for the finance industry and we are having a conference in San Diego. I need to come up with a tagline for this conference.

So far I have thought about ...

Waves of Change
New Horizons

Any help would be fantastic!

Thank you in advance!
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  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Member
    What is the THEME of your conference? When is it? Who is most likely to attend? Why? What will people learn?
  • Posted by terri on Author
    Hi Gary,

    Well ... we really don't have a theme per say. We are having the conference at the Hotel Del Coronado, near San Diego, in May.

    The people that are most likely to attend are those that are involved with small business or are involved with banking or a closing of a small business loan.

    They are most likely to attend because we are one of the few associations that caters to this particular niche in the industry.

    What they will learn? Well, that is different every year and we don't have that lined up yet.

    I'm sorry to be so vague, but I hope that this information helps.

    Thank you in advance for you help!
  • Posted by Ghost Writer on Accepted
    I'm assuming people in the industry are having to deal with a lot of change and uncertainty these days.

    Perhaps your tragline can capture that feeling:

    "Surfing the Waves of Change"

    "Good Advice for Uncertain Times"

    Or maybe something more general:

    "Small Business - Big Issues"

    "The Big Conference for Small Business"

    hope that helps ...
  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Member
    If you have no theme and you cannot tell people what they'll gain or learn from attending your even you have nothing to put a tag line on. There appears to be nothing aspirational to promote here, there appears to be little of substance to market.

  • Posted by NovaHammer on Accepted
    Small Change=Big Results
  • Posted by terri on Author
    Thank you all for your help!

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