
Topic: Taglines/Names

Looking For A Great Name For A Mind-body Boot Camp

Posted by dmachmer2001 on 500 Points
I'm creating a program, which will compliment my fitness boot camp....

It will encompass mind coaching....going deeper into the challenges people have with reaching their goals.

I will help them uncover what's holding them back then helping them create a plan to help them succeed long term.

90 day program, with unlimited fitness boot camp classes plus mind coaching, online and in person
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  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    Coming up with a great name requires that we (and you) have a clear definition of your primary target audience, and that we understand what benefit would be most important to them.

    The name should be something that will resonate with them on an emotional level, not just a boring description of what you want to do.

    So let's start with a clear definition of your target audience. Where do they live? How old are they? Male/female? What have they done before to improve their fitness? What is their attitude toward mind-body connection? What has worked for them in the past? What have they tried that didn't work so well? Why?

    We need to understand who your target audience is, and what makes them tick, if we're going to come up with a great name for your business.

    If you haven't already determined this as part of your marketing and business planning process, that really needs to come first.
  • Posted by dmachmer2001 on Author
    Ideal Client:

    Woman b/w ages 30-55 who is a mom with 2-4 children
    -used to put all of her energy into making everyone else happy

    -lost who she really is at her best in giving too much to others

    wants to lose between 20 and 80 pounds

    -children in school

    -tried at least 3-4 different things to lose weight
    -has lost weight but has never kept it off
    -F.T Mom or has job a well
    -trying to balance it all
    -low self-esteem

    This is HER time to give back to herself

    values quality -buys groceries to get quality vs lowest price
    open to experimenting with new recipes and new ways of eating

    values family time and plans family vacations at least once/year

    gets manicures and pedicures once/month
    buys quality make up and skincare

    household income between 70K and 120K

    lives in a small town or on acreage in Ontario, Canada
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    What's the name of your fitness boot camp and the name of your business?
  • Posted by dmachmer2001 on Author
    Fitness Bootcamp Canada
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    Here are some names for your consideration:
    Get Ready For Bootcamp
    Bootcamp Success
    Mind Over Bootcamp
    Get Your Head Ready For Bootcamp
  • Posted by NovaHammer on Accepted
    There's the obvious:

    ReBoot Camp

    Your Last Boot Camp


    Mind Over Boot Camp

    None of these names addresses the reason women put off caring for themselves .... perhaps something like

    Mother of All Boot Camps,
    XX Chromosone BootCamp or Push Back the Years BootCamp would make them make time for themselves and their families.


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