
Topic: Taglines/Names

Co. Name For Diamond Broker

Posted by kelleysthompson on 500 Points
I sell diamonds, fine jewelry & custom pieces from my office. I think about the client after they go out the door. My low prices get me clients. I'd like to have a name that will get attention, say what I do, not just use my name. I'd like the domain name to come up in searches so keywords that are commonly searched for. So far all I have is, so I'm not a wordsmith...
Thank you!
Kelley Thompson (Thought of using daughter's name - Charlotte or combining it with my first name, Kelley if a name was to be used)
Need help!
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Kelley - I'd first focus on your target audience: where are they located, why/when do they buy from you, besides price - what else makes you special/different, etc.
  • Posted by kelleysthompson on Author
    My target audience is mainly young men getting engaged. I sell tons more engagements diamonds and rings than anything else. Sometimes it is an older man upgrading his wife's ring for their anniversary, but usually younger men without a big budget. These men are in the Pensacola/Gulf Coast area. Many are military given the big military population we have. Price and unbelievable personal service. I'll stay up all night to speak to someone in Australia to get the right cognac diamond at the right size. I don't just look on-line and see what is in the diamond inventory that all jewelers use. I work for it! I actually enjoy it too. Is that enough info?
  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Accepted
    Her First Diamond
    First Time Diamond
    First Memory Diamond
    Getting Hitched Diamond
    The I Do Diamond
    The Proposal Diamond
    The Yes Diamond
  • Posted on Accepted
    How about these names and tag lines:

    "I Do Diamonds" where value & service sparkle too!
    "Pop it & Rock it" quality diamonds at quaint prices!
    "Impeccable Diamonds" impact the moment, not your money-clip!
  • Posted by kelleysthompson on Author
    I like "The I Do Diamond" best so far and others too. I want to play with them in my head a little. Thanks for your input! Do I need to have anything in the actual company name or domain name that reflects the discounted price?

    Thanks again! Anyone else have any ideas? You all are great to help me. I need it!
  • Posted by kelleysthompson on Author
    The Yes Diamond I also like. Any other ideas? Any tag-line to go with The Yes Diamond? Again, thank you all soooo much! I appreciate you more than you know!
  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    I would NOT refer to price in the name ... and probably not even in the tagline. Let that be a pleasant surprise when someone wonders (and asks) if they can afford your excellent service. Focus instead on the benefit they'll get.

    As for "I Do Diamonds" that's all about YOU, not about the target audience or the benefit they'll get. Focus on the benefit for your target audience. Help them understand how THEY will feel when they decide to work with you to buy a diamond.
  • Posted by kelleysthompson on Author
    Thanks Moderator mgoodman for chiming in. Hmmm. So you suggest starting fresh and finding names that indicate how they, the target audience, would FEEL, buying a diamond from me vs. a regular jewelry store. Words to describe how they might feel could include:
    excited, delighted, grateful, amazed, impressed, anxious to give the ring to her, eager...
    Does anyone have an idea about how to do what Moderator mgoodman suggested? Come up with a co. name based on how the customer will FEEL when working with me vs. being about me and what I do and my low price?
    As for "I Do Diamonds" I wasn't thinking about it looking like I am a person doing diamonds. I was looking at it from "I do" the vow. I see how it can easily be seen much differently now.
    Thanks everyone. Any more ideas?
  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Member
    Re: "I like "The I Do Diamond .."

    Yes, this name suggestion was intended to be about the acceptance of a marriage proposal, NOT about you doing diamonds. Which is why there is a "The" at the beginning and "Diamond" is singular.

    Graphically you could emphasize the "I Do" by changing the font, color or use other distinguishing graphic devices. And when using audio or answering the phone, you could likewise emphasize the "I DO" in speech.

    Will the customer feel an emotional connection upon hearing the words "I Do"? Is this a benefit? Ask a few customers and listen to what they have to say.

    Hope this helps clarify your naming options.

  • Posted by kelleysthompson on Author
    Thanks Steve. I thought that was the intent with The I Do Diamond and I like it. My husband likes The Yes Diamond. We are batting them around. Thanks for your help! I appreciate everyone and their suggestions! This is a hard thing to do when you are not a marketing pro. I'm sure you see lots of people agonizing over the right company name. If you are lucky, it will be around a long time!
  • Posted by mgoodman on Moderator
    I must admit I completely missed the "I do" meaning, and assumed the name was all about what you do. Now that I understand it, I like it better, but not well enough to make it my first choice.

    First, "I Do" is what you say when you get married. Not so much what you say in response to the proposal.

    Second, I wonder if your target audience might be as clueless as I was when I read the name. (And, yes, Steve, you are right ... the "The" and the singular "Diamond" help a lot.) I like the idea of suggesting that the diamond ring will improve chances of a "Yes" (or an "I do") response. After all, that's what the buyer really wants.

    So here's a thought: What if you go with a TAGLINE that guarantees a "yes?" ("A diamond that guarantees the response you want!") The name could then be "'Will You Marry Me?' Rocks" or "'Be My Wife?' Rocks" or even "Rocks Rock."
  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Accepted
    Staying up all night to speak with a dealer in Australia?
    I salute you. You need to tell this tale as part of your marketing: "I'm Kelley Thompson and if it means staying up all night to speak with a diamond dealer in Australia if it helps you get the stone she'll wear for the rest of her life, that's what I'll do."

    I'd caution against any reference to price in your domain name. I'd also urge you to stop "selling" diamonds. When
    a man buys a diamond for the woman he's going to spend
    the rest of his life with he's not buying a diamond, he's proclaiming his eternal love. When a woman flaunts the new stone on the ring on her finger to her friends, she's not showing off her new rock, she's telling other women "That's right bitches, I'm got ME a keeper!" People buy diamonds for lots of reasons but one of the biggest reasons people buy diamonds is to show them off to other people.

    Do you buy rough stones and then have them cut? Or
    do you just trade in cut stones? I'm asking this because it may have a bearing on possible names. Are your prices low because you keep your margins tight? Or because you're buying from smaller mines? Again, these points might help your story.

    We both know that the diamond trade can, at times be a David and Goliath epic, with much of the trade in rough material controlled by a certain company in South Africa: because they control the extraction they can then control the supply to the market. This control of flow of quality stones along with a certain percentage of moderate to mid rate stones then means they can control the price—both the retail and wholesale. I know of dealers who at sales have been told: "This is the box you will buy, this is the price you will pay: take it or leave it. But if you leave it you'll never be offered rough from this source again." Hobson's choice!
  • Posted by NovaHammer on Accepted
    Extra Mile Jewellery

    Bright Eyes ...

    Perfect Setting ...

    Global Choice ...

    Freedom Rings ..

  • Posted by kelleysthompson on Author
    Thanks for your replies! I apologize for being away over the weekend. I was excited to see more comments and I'm going to see which domain names are taken already. I only deal in cut stones. I now see why "the yes diamond" is more appropriate than "the i do diamond".

    I still like "the Yes Diamond" and also like "Rocks Rock".

    Would "Wife Rocks" or "Wedding Rocks" be appropriate as options?

    I can see "Freedom Rings" maybe in an ad placed in the military newspaper on base or a 4th of July time period ad.

    Of course, I certainly know "Extra Mile Jewelry" is fitting! I'd like to brainstorm others like this. I feel like the hardest working woman in the jewelry business, but love it and am honored to get to assist in helping these men get their love the ring of her dreams - in budget. It can be tough to do!

    Thanks again! I look forward to your comments!
  • Posted by kelleysthompson on Author
    OK. Still thinking on this. Thanks again for your replies. I'm trying to think of names based on how clients feel when buying diamonds or fine jewelry from me before closing this out. Thanks again to everyone for all of your help! If you think of anything else please let me know! I appreciate it!
  • Posted by NovaHammer on Member
    The Real Deal
    Business of Pleasure

    Happy Brain Storming ...
  • Posted by NovaHammer on Member
    "I'll Be Your Rock", what every partner wants to hear.

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