
Topic: Taglines/Names

Name For New Consortium/partners

Posted by rrobertsstudio on 250 Points

we are a collection of urban planners, architects, builders, lobbyists, and project managers joining together in collaborating on projects where all or some of these specialties are needed. "Applied Urban Solutions and Technologies" already a type of suggested name.

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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Located where?
    For what types of clients? With what specific needs?
    Any specialties that makes you unique in the eyes of prospective clients?
  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    How is the fact that you've all banded together a benefit for your clients? And then Jay's questions: Who are your clients? Where are they? Why might they want to hire the consortium instead of finding the best professional for each of your specialties?
  • Posted by rrobertsstudio on Author
    We are in located in North Miami, FL and our potential clients are cities, counties, CRA's, other governmental agencies and developers.

    What we bring to potential clients is a one stop shop concept. A true interdisciplinary approach that benefits whatever members of the team are appropriate for the job at hand.

    We also operate as Lobbyists to solicit a project and move it through the entire process.

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