
Topic: Taglines/Names

Need Good Play On Words!

Posted by news1417 on 125 Points
Our company needs a fun tagline. We specialize in high end bike seats targeted at professional and age group triathletes and cyclists. The best compliment someone can give it: I didn't even notice the seat. Which in translation means my butt didn't hurt, nothing went numb etc...

I want a play on words like: you will NEVER notice us! except you have to notice us first in order to purchase the seat....its a catch 22. You have to notice us, tell others about us, but if you ride and do not think about your seat then we have provided comfort. any thoughts, ideas?
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  • Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on Accepted
    The best bike seat you'll never notice

    The bike store will be the last time you notice this saddle.

  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    We Feel Your Pain
    No More Pain In The A**
  • Posted by NovaHammer on Accepted
    Your bottom line matters ... to ours.

    Get a leg up ... on our saddles.

    We get behind great athletes.

  • Posted by news1417 on Author
    Thanks for all the suggestions!
    Peter, the best bike seat you will never notice....this might be taking me somewhere. we sell through dealers and also host an e-commerce site, but do not personally have a store front.

    I am really envisioning ad copy that focuses on the words NEVER NOTICE - just to be catchy. thoughts?
  • Posted by NovaHammer on Member
    The target for 'most professional and age group triathletes' (your market) is not comfort but improved results. Having 2 world master triathletes in the family the talk was always about improving mechanical advantage. Economy of effort. Not how nice I felt after a race.

    If you can translate that into your saddle tagline .... your stated audience would hear you versus those looking for something else like a cushy ride.

  • Posted by mdlugozima on Accepted
    Meet the seat that beats defeat.
    We're behind you all the way.
    One less thing to worry about.
    Sit in the driver's seat.
    Don't be a sore winner.
    No pain, all gain.

  • Posted by news1417 on Author
    NovaHammer - thanks for the input from someone familiar with the target audience. We typically translate that comfort = increases speed and performance. When you aren't hurting or numb then you are able to have more output. Comfort = speed is the current tagline.

    but I certainly need to make sure along with highlighting comfort that I highlight the effects of the comfort - that being better performance!

    Thank you!
  • Posted by NovaHammer on Member
    'selling through dealers and also host an e-commerce site' ....means you have to be direct about what your seats can offer competitors...If YOU translate comfort =speed etc. does that nec. mean athletes (clients)read it that way when marketed through a 3rd party?

    Sell the largest benefit to your clients...looking for success. Surely 'comfort' isn't the 1st word they come up with. Don't waste a tagline trying to educate them.... some may not get it. Like shoes, the stiffer the more rider energy transferred into motion is delivered to the bike....Why do they compete?

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