
Topic: Taglines/Names

Need Help With An Esthetic Business Name!

Posted by Midwest Esty on 125 Points
I'm moving into my own Esthetic Studio and I'm having trouble coming up with a name. I've always just been known by my first and last name. Now, I'm looking to create a brand and want a name for my business separate of my own.

Facials are my primary business but I also offer manicures, pedicures, waxing, body treatments, makeup and eyelash enhancements.

I want it to be easily pronounced, spelled, etc. (I think this is obvious but I'm trying to be detailed)

These are some ideas I've been tossing around. I've been considering adding "Beauty Studio" to the name as I think it encompasses all that I do. Thoughts?

Refined : A Beauty Studio
Sublime Beauty
Ooh Pretty Beauty Studio
Limelight Esthetics

Any and all feedback is greatly appreciated!!
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Some thoughts:

    - The word "esthetics" is not easily spelled, so I'm not sure how that fits with your "easily spelled" goal.

    - To me, a "beauty studio" may also connote hair cutting or blow drys. In your region, is it clearly understood what "beauty studio" entails?

    - I do like a simple name + "beauty studio" (or whatever descriptor you choose). It makes it more obvious what you offer and you can use an adjective that would connect with your potential clients. It also allows you to answer the phone simply ("Refined. How can I help you?").
  • Posted by Midwest Esty on Author
    I do agree Esthetics isn't easily spelled. I also agree that beauty studio may lead people to believe I offer all things related to beauty. I have thought of using Skin Studio but not sure if that is too narrow?

    I think using an adjective is essential. Is "refined" IT? Do any negatives immediately come to mind should I use this adjective?

    Also not sure if it's helpful to know that the space that I'm moving into is inside a massage business.
  • Posted by NovaHammer on Accepted

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