
Topic: Taglines/Names

Pet Website Name And Tagline?

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
Heya all. I'm new here (just found it by searching for name ideas and I'm quite excited to have found it!!).

I am creating a new pet website and I need help coming up with a name (preferably with the word "pet" in it but open to other ideas as well)...I'm having a hard time finding a name I like that has an available .com domain.

I would also love to hear any tagline suggestions (doesn't have to have the word "pet" in it but it can).

The website will be primarily focused on cats and dogs (various topics including traveling with cats/dogs, gifts for pets, gifts for pet owners, training tips, dog/cat care, dog/cat pictures, dog/cat clothes, pet adoption info, etc. - all around pet stuff) but I want to leave it open to include other pets if I decide to hence part of the reason I am looking for the word "pets" (also will be a primary keyword).

I'm looking for a brandable name. Something savvy maybe, quickly identifies what we're about, easily remembered, not insanely long.

Favs I had but the domains weren't available (I'm looking to secure a .com):

...I thought about going with "" since "" isn't available but I remain slightly undecided on that because of the word "the" - love to hear thoughts on this one.

(hope I'm not giving too much info or detail lol, just trying to be thorough)

Thanks so much for reading!
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Some currently available domain names for your consideration:

    (PS - if there's another business named "PetPulse", don't name yours "ThePetPulse" - since you may inadvertently cause your prospective customers to find your competitor instead.)
  • Posted on Author
    Thanks Jay. That was my thought on "thepetpulse" too, don't want someone to try to remember the site one day and go to the other site! No one is currently using "petpulse" so who knows what will happen with that. It's not available unless it's for sale somewhere and I'm not looking to go nuts on the cost!

    I love catsanddogsohmy and bigdoglittlecat but I'm not sure I want to stray from the word "pet" in case I decide to expand after things get going. Hmm, you've got me thinking now though!
  • Posted on Author
    Phil you've gone way out the ballpark. I've been doing affiliate marketing for YEARS and no one needs a business plan or any of that nonsense. I'm not going to go any further other than to say I didn't ask for all that, I asked for some names that met my criteria. I know exactly what I'm doing and I only need some names. So yeah, Really! Thanks.
  • Posted by NovaHammer on Accepted
    Pets On a Pedestal
  • Posted on Author
    Thank you Nova =) Adding those to my list to consider! Can't wait to pick one and release the site...working on the logistics of it now!
  • Posted by gopaddle on Accepted
  • Posted on Author
    Thank you gopaddle =)
  • Posted by NovaHammer on Accepted
    Tagline too I see..

    A Handful of Answers For Your Handful...

    2B or Not 2B a Great Pet Owner...

    something to start with...
  • Posted on Author
    I want to thank everyone who took the time to respond to my question. I haven't decided on a name yet, but I love these and have jotted them down to consider while I am finishing mapping everything out. I have split up the points among everyone that responded since I haven't actually chosen a name yet.

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