
Topic: Taglines/Names

Need A Name For My Rabbitry.

Posted by sparkygvfd on 250 Points
My daughter and I are raising and showing rabbits. We have 3 breeds, Dutch, Beveren and Lilac. The beverens and lilacs are rare breeds and are currently on the "watch" list. We live in northern CA up in the foothills and Sierra Mountains. I'm trying to come up with a name for our rabbitry that people can remember, but not too cutesy. Something that might reflect the rare breeds we have. I'm asking for help, because I cannot come up with anything, and the ones I do like are all ready taken. Please help. We have new little babies, and I'd like to start designing a website. Thank you so much!!!
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Why not simply "The Rare Rabbitry" or "The Sierra Rare Rabbitry"?
  • Posted by sparkygvfd on Author
    the Rare Rabbitry is taken. I like the Sierra Rare Rabbitry though, I'll see if it's available.
  • Posted by NovaHammer on Accepted
    Thinking of Periodic Table and rare earth elements (REE's)....nice short but different name needed..?

    Rabbiterium similar idea to Californium.

    What's the half life of a bunny?

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