
Topic: Taglines/Names

Need Help With The Slogan For My Painting Company?

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
My company is called "Glamour Painting" and we've been in the painting business for about 10 years and successfully completed many residential, commercial and industrial projects. To take my company to the next level, I've been trying to find a slogan to use for my advertising campaigns but couldn't find something that represents the name "glamour" as well as what we do. Any suggestions?
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  • Posted by Moriarty on Member
    First question - is what you do ... glamorous? You say "residential, commercial and industrial projects"

    having myself helped run the family building firm and my own interior decorating business ... the best I could say of it was that it was ...

    . ........................ tedious.

    If you really want a breakthrough, you need to be genuine. Now that doesn't mean it can't be interesting - it just means that it has to be down to earth. My last business was called the equivalent of "Moriarty's Interior Design" which is about as exciting as a name gets in Holland. Yet it brought the work in (until you Yanks pulled the plug on six trillion in 2007, that is).

    Breakthroughs aren't easy. They require you to be rigorously honest for one thing. For another they take courage. However as one surprise piece of advice - use something that a client said about your business that was ...

    . ........................... negative.

    Because countering that is perhaps the one thing that will set you apart from the crowd. Be totally honest, lay the bones bare - and tell everyone what happened and how you tidied up the mess made by a pot of paint that fell on the patio. This will do two magical things: firstly those people who like honest tradespeople will like you. Those people who are less tolerant and like screaming at people when they make mistakes no matter how small - have had their guns spiked. They sense they aren't going to have any fun with you and evaporate.

    Over to you, Glamorous Painters!

    To your success, Moriarty xx
  • Posted by mgoodman on Moderator
    It's not clear to me how a slogan is going to take your company to the next level. Maybe you can explain how that's going to happen.

    Then, assuming it's part of a well-thought-out plan, what are you trying to communicate with the slogan? Who is the target audience for this slogan? What unique benefit will you provide for them? How are you different from, and better than, other painting companies in your area?

    And finally, how will you evaluate suggestions for your slogan and pick a winner? What are the criteria? If we know that, there's a chance we can come up with a great slogan for you. (Not sure it will really get you to the next level, but then that's not something a slogan alone can do.)
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    You'll Love How It Looks
    Professional Results That Get Noticed
  • Posted on Author
    Thank you for all the inputs. I picked the name "Glamour Painting" when I started the business because our work is somewhat cosmetic making places look beautiful. As part of our service, we help our customers, both the home owners and business owners, pick the right colour scheme and products for every job specifically and it's amazing to see the difference a great paint job can make in terms of the look and durability.
  • Posted by Moriarty on Member
    Now painting and decorating is something everyone knows about - and many have kicked over paint tins doing it themselves. To most it is simply something somebody else does for the cheapest price.


    What can you do that nobody else does (or says they do)? Because every man and his dog says "we care" and "we make your home nicer" - not one of them says "we come in with dirty boots and tramp all over your nice clean carpets" do they?

    Do you have color swatches ... as big as this? (Sorry, it's in Dutch)

    Worked great with my clients when choosing colors!

  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Member
    How about ..

    Glamour Painting
    Expert Colorist - Application Perfectionist

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