
Topic: Taglines/Names

Negative Name For Event Business?

Posted by Anonymous on 100 Points
I am about to launch an event planning business and wanted some feedback on my name. I wanted to brand myself by incorporating my name Nancy, into the company name.
Friends have nicknamed me Fancy, or Fancy Nancy and while I do create simple elegant events, I think the word Fancy has a pretentious vibe, which I am not.
I came up with NVS Events, these are my initials and I have used NVS for a long time as my user names and such, with kind of a play on the word envious. But does this also bring a negative connotation for a business name? Feedback and possible tag lines needed.
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  • Posted by peg on Accepted
    Hi, Nancy!

    -- It's clever and memorable, suggesting events might be the same.
    -- It pre-qualifies potential clients by weeding out the tightest budgets in advance. The cheapskates will call someone else.
    -- It's genuinely representative of you.

    -- You say you prefer simple events, however this name could attract some clients seeking elaborate events. That's more lucrative, but would it be a negative for you?
    -- The domain is taken, although .net, .org and others are available.

    If you use this name (I like it), then take the precaution to change your various "nvs" user names and passwords to something less obvious and hackable.

    Good luck and Happy Thanksgiving!
  • Posted by Billd724 on Accepted
    Hi Nancy . . .

    Couple of thoughts . . .

    NVS (BTW, a great phonetic double-entendre which I personally like!) is only of value to people (i.e. existing fans) who know you by that term.

    Simply seeing 'NVS' (without the explanation behind it) may simply be "N" "V" and "S" to more people than you may like to know!

    Also, to someone who doesn't already know you by that term, it doesn't leverage all the positive impressions some people have come to associate with you.

    Personally, I like "Events By Nancy". This definitely incorporates your name in your brand, and it's not pretentious.

    Also, it's certainly calling attention to the fact that here is an event that only you, Nancy, could pull off -- thus, it builds your personal 'brand' with every mention or impression where it's seen, heard, read, etc.

    Hope that helps . . . Happy Thanksgiving!
  • Posted by mgoodman on Moderator
    I'm with Phil.

    Using Nancy or NVS is only relevant for people who know you. Otherwise it's a total throw-away. It would be a shame to waste an opportunity to position the business and communicate an important benefit.

    Have you gone through the positioning process for your business? Do you have a business plan? If not, that's where you need to start. If so, perhaps you can share the overall marketing strategy and positioning, along with the rationale. That will give us better direction as we come up with a suitable name for the business.
  • Posted by NovaHammer on Accepted
    Sorry NVS wasn't ObVS to me.
    In the few seconds consumers might search for an Event Company would it work for them not sure...but as a word of mouth referral yes.. very sticky.

    Anything here for you? NancyPants

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