
Topic: Taglines/Names

Need A Funky Catchy Name

Posted by ravil on 250 Points
Hi, I'm looking for a Funky, Catchy Name For A Store Carrying Mostly Watches, Fashion Jewelry & Accessories.. Prefer If It Starts With The Letter "S" but its not a must...
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  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Accepted
    The relevance of the letter "S" to your customers is what?
  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Accepted
    As Gary has pointed out, it's "not a must ..." because there is no relevance in the letter "S" to your target audience, how could there be? So you are starting from the wrong perspective. The right perspective is the one from your target audience, so who are they? Where are they? Where are you? Are you planning for a physical store, online store or both? Watches, fashion jewelry & accessories are a good mix of product offerings, which is why it's one of the most popular combinations in retail, with at least thousands of competitive challengers, so why compete? What problem do you solve for the customer? What's your unique positioning benefit going to be?

    You have the cart before the horse, it's too early for name development. You need to start by developing a strategic business plan with a marketing section. Your chances of success are increased by writing down your plans so you, and everybody on your team, can all play from the same page.

    Yes, I know, this seems to be an onerous task, but it's worth it. If you don't do the hard work of investing time in this business, who will?

    Think about it.
  • Posted by Moriarty on Accepted

    where do you live, and who are your intended customers? There are a lot of people who buy the sort of thing you are selling - oh, and there are rather a lot of people who are already selling it.

    So just having a catchy name isn't going to do you much good if your store is the equivalent of a web-store sitting on Google page 47.

    "Ravil's Palace"
    "Ravil's Gardens"
    "Saville Gardens" - yes, it starts with an "S".

    Let us know what you think and let us know who your ideal customer is. It is a little trick that works wonders for new businesses.

  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Splash (as in "Make a Splash...")
  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Member
    As benefit alignment tools or as attention and attraction anchors, what weight, exactly, do you envision "catchy"
    and "funky" names pulling? Regardless of the adjectives you associate with it, a name alone is seldom the marketing trigger people think it is.
  • Posted by NovaHammer on Accepted

    Get IT Here!
  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    Funky, catchy, and starts with the letter S ... are all signs that you may not have thought through your marketing strategy very well. For your own sake, please reconsider what you want your name to do and to communicate about the business.

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