
Topic: Taglines/Names

Name And Tag Line For A New Business

Posted by golden_sparrow88 on 25 Points
Hey, am Tania starting a new business but getting problems with the name and tagline ..
Am dealing with Nail Art, Painted Ties, Painted T- Shirts and Ladies Dresses as a products in my business ..

Kindly suggest me with some good names .. Please

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  • Posted by Moriarty on Accepted

    if you are going to have a tagline, we need to know who your target audience is. A good tagline will do wonders for your business, because it can attract your ideal customer and put off the bad ones (those that end up costing you money through demanding refunds and taking up your time with complaints).

    Are these painted fabrics ones that you have painted yourself - or are they machine painted or done in a factory? Because painted fabrics are stunning when done well. Done for the individual they are stunning.

    I am assuming a hand paint of some order that you are doing yourself.

    "Tania's Studio"
    "individually painted for you"

    Have fun and let us know what you think,
    To your success,
  • Posted by NovaHammer on Accepted
    Need a touch-up?

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