
Topic: Taglines/Names

Changing Names Of Existing Businesses

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I run a successful dog daycare/grooming facility and a separate dog training business.

The daycare has a name associated with two old owners that I would rather not be associated with (we still get phone calls 5 years later about the first owner!).

The dog training has a great name, with lots of successfully trained dogs.

I'd like to blend the two, when we move into our new building, to show clients that the two businesses compliment each other (lots of the dogs in the daycare receive training through daily activities, and I often recommend daycare to training clients.)

The daycare is called 4Paws Dog Daycare and Grooming (most people just go with 4Paws Dog Daycare, and forget that we do grooming), while the training business is called The Academy.

Whether I combine the names (4Paws Academy), or rename the daycare "The Academy" - daycare, grooming, training, I'm not certain.

Suggestions, tips, concerns, questions appreciated and encouraged.
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  • Posted by Moriarty on Member
    What is the attitude of your customers to all this? You have answered this in part when you say "most people just go with 4Paws Dog Daycare". Because this is how you are known, and since this is the case, it is valuable.

    Very valuable.

    Everything should focus on this piece of real estate. You could call the other side of your business the 4Paws Academy, only if this does not detract from what your existing customers already know. They are the arbiter here, not we jolly marketers.

    "The Academy" says nothing, and it will confuse those who phone up asking for 4Paws. Now only you can answer this: where do you make the most profit? Remember also that most of your profits come from your stable frequently returning customers. They know you as 4Paws whatever. Which is what I would stick with, just renew the image in their minds.

    Does this help any? M xxx
  • Posted on Author
    It does and doesn't. Many customers still ask of we are the 4paws owned by ____ or ____. Because of this very bad reputation under these two people, I'd prefer to start fresh under our new building.

    Many customers do call us just 4paws but there is a For Paws under an hour away and we are asked if we are affiliated. We are not and don't care to be either. For this, as well as the first reason, I'd change the name.

    The majority of our revenue actually comes from grooming and I'd love to play up this aspect as well. Like petsmart and petland we try to cover all aspects from grooming to daycare to boarding and dog walking.

    I hope this helps anyone else.
  • Posted by Moriarty on Accepted
    Have you managed to turn the business around and get yourself a good reputation? I presume you have, otherwise you wouldn't ask.

    For a completely different name - actually it goes with the training too, only I was thinking of the grooming you mention: DogSmart. (It does sound a little "Dogs Mart"). As in smart dogs (= well groomed) and smart dogs (= well trained).

    Dogs' Corner
    Kennel University
    The Happy Hunting Ground (thanks, TS Elliot for that one)
    Bow Wow Wow (with the first bow in the shape of a tied, decorative bow, not the bark).

    Any good? Moriarty xx

  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    The dilemma you have is that: A) you're well known by your name and B) your name may turn off some people. If you start fresh, you don't have these problems, but you have a new one: no one knows who you are, and you'll have to educate people to re-earn their trust. My suggestion is to transform the name to simply "4Paws" and use a tagline (such as "Dog Grooming & Training Experts" to clarify the name). By focusing on running a stellar business, the "old negative association" will fade away - especially if you do a stellar job marketing how much your services matter in the lives of your community.
  • Posted on Author
    We have changed the business model around drastically and moving into our new facility will allow for more improvements.

    Dogsmart makes me think of dog wise, a well known publisher of dog books.

    I read one on another forum.

    4paws academy
    Sit stay and love... (Can't remember!!)
  • Posted by Moriarty on Member
    How about 4Paws - Sitting Pretty ??
  • Posted on Author
    I think I'm going to go with 4Paws Canine Center (potentially allowing for a Feline Center later in the future). That way it includes grooming, retail, training, etc
  • Posted on Author
    We also do dog walking, overnight services and will start physiotherapy in the new building. There's more than just the daycare and grooming

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