
Topic: Taglines/Names

Capital Campaign Slogan For Library Renovation

Posted by valerier on 250 Points
The Springfield-Greene County Library District is embarking on a capital campaign to completely renovate its Brentwood Branch Library. The Brentwood Branch is 40+ years old and very outdated. It is a heavily used library, and many generations of patrons love the neighborhood atmosphere of the building. A survey of patrons overwhelmingly indicated they would rather have the building renovated than build a new building in another location. Many patrons love to come and read at this library, so the reading room is being expanded in the renovation. We want a slogan that will capitalize on the neighborhood legacy, but don't want it to sound 'stodgy.'
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  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Member
    You must have some planning in place for this project. And included in the planning there would be design criteria (perhaps as an architectural creative brief) to guide the aesthetics of perserving the "neighborhood atmosphere" as desired by the community.

    What you need is another creative brief for creating a slogan. I suggest you work with an experienced marketing professional to get it right. Your post (as is) here will not give you the results you really want.
  • Posted by mgoodman on Moderator
    Steve's right. You need to think through the message you want to communicate, the target audience, and the objective. What does success look like?

    Otherwise the slogan just becomes a cute set of words ... not really a [useful] slogan with a mission to accomplish.

    And it's been my experience that with a tight Creative Brief you can expect to accomplish some very ambitious communication objectives. Outside professional guidance is definitely recommended.if this is a serious project.
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    New Roots For The Branch
    Our Library Needs Our Help
  • Posted by Moriarty on Member
    Retain our beauty, renovate.

    Renovate our beautiful building

    Renovate and retain the atmosphere.
  • Posted by valerier on Author
    Thanks for your replies, but this was not what I was looking for.

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