
Topic: Taglines/Names

Tagline For Home Improvement Company

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Trying to come up with something that says quality and professionalism, but not too long, something that ryhmes maybe? Something easy to remember,a one liner.
We do everything from small home repairs to complete remodeling and new construction, a one stop shop if you will, for all home needs.
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  • Posted by Moriarty on Accepted
    I am presuming you have a business with clients - or that at least you have worked for clients as a professional carpenter/decorator/whatever. My point is that

    (1) YOU are the expert, not them


    (2) THEY are the ones choosing you as their expert.

    These two issues are crucial for you. I need to know what you do that nobody else does - or at least, nobody else says they do. Go through the references you've gotten from people that are good - and work out what generalizations you can make about all (or most) of them. This will put you in the right direction for setting yourself apart from the crowd of also-rans.

    Because a client chooses someone they like the look of, not just because they say they are professional. Too many professionals say they are, and by the time the ceiling is peeling away from its moorings, they're across the stateline. Either that or not answering their phone. In short, your tagline needs to DEMONSTRATE your professionalism not just say it. A good customer review helps with this enormously.

    One last thought: when a client phones you give them the rundown on how you do business. For example that you do your followups after a month to check everything over, and the client needs to make a list of all the niggles. That way you can time this to mutual convenience (and not get in the way of big jobs). More to the point it stops people phoning you day and night about the tiniest niggles - and often wanting other things done for free on top. Yes, I've been there, got the teeshirt and closed the business. Twice over. I know of what I speak. The MAIN POINT of this is to set yourself as the expert by listing your basic terms and conditions* - your best customers think this is wonderful. The worst ones will stop you and ask you to do it for less and not worry about the details. Tell 'em straight: no. Believe me, it will do wonders for your business. (*you'll have to find out which ones your clients most like and need; generally it's the followup that is the key issue and sorts the wheat from the chaff). By doing the above means that you'll have customers who are more than happy to pay a decent rate. No more begging, okay?

    So a few ideas for you:

    We do exactly what it says on the toolbox*
    Call in the expert.
    From roof to foundation. The experts.
    Inside and out. The best there is, guaranteed**.
    Your needs. Our expertise sorts them. Guaranteed.

    What do you think? More importantly which do your customers like (or would you think they like?).

    Over to you!

    (*if you're in the UK you'll recognize that one - and you may find copyright problems ... never mind, it's an idea!)
    [**What kind of guarantees can you sensibly offer to 100% watertight good quality clients who don't whinge at the first hiccup?]
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    Is "one stop shopping" the reason your clients have chosen you in the past? If not, what are the reasons they have? If you're not totally sure, ask them!
  • Posted on Member
    No One else could make it better.

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