
Topic: Other

Marketing For Small Local Businesses

Posted by mark on 125 Points
I am trying to write four or five articles that can help small businesses in their local marketing. So for example it might be a spa or salon that is trying to reach new customers and/or reach their existing customer. So I am looking for topic ideas and perhaps any canned presentations there might be out there to help me get started. So ideas and content.

Example might be: How to use google to market locally.

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  • Posted by Moriarty on Member
    To be honest, we need to look at local businesses and why they do NOT market. Locally or otherwise.

    I know of several local businesses to me who are failing fast owing to a lack of outreach. Yet the very thing they need is the very thing they despise - the marketer. The question is why this should be so and how to get through to them.

    My own take on this is the basis of how I market to businesses that would benefit from taking my advice. However the caveat is that they should wish to take my advice, given all my myriad defects.

    The reason I'm writing this is that there are countless numbers of books on local marketing for the small businessman. That most of them fail to gain attention is a serious problem. More to the point is how you are going to be able to break this log-jam given the stance you're taking.

    If you want ideas and approaces, take a look at Perry Marshall, Dan Kennedy or Howie Jacobson - all of whom have written about the things you speak of.
  • Posted by mark on Author
    Thanks. I appreciate it, but I am really just looking for ideas to blog on and any science that might be behind the idea would be great. I will take a look at the people you mentioned above
  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Member
    I agree with Moriarty. Small Businesses need accounting & tax advice, legal advice and marketing advice from the pro's. So write an article discussing why they need a good marketing adviser from the get-go. And why marketing is not a solo DIY activity any more than the other key professions which are fundamental to business success.
  • Posted by Moriarty on Member
    Mark - let's take this from another point of view. I don't blog about the science of marketing.

    One of my latest posts is about the Suprematist painting style of Kasimir Malevich. My reasoning is the reasoning behind my marketing. I have also written extensively on jazz music and on the works of Robert Graves.

    All of which is applicable to marketing at one level or another.

    So throw a dart, pick a subject and discuss it from your own point of view.
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Mark - There are lots of "standard" topics (frequency, eMarketing, building your list, website, SEO, etc.), but it's likely that your audience has already heard "the usual". What is your ultimate goal for these articles - to hire your services -or- are you simply providing this information for your membership? If the latter, ask them for their problems/questions and write about what they're specifically interested in. If the former, then write stories describing local business problems, how you solved it, and the results.

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