
Topic: Taglines/Names

I Build Mobile Apps And Optimize Websites

Posted by davidmcolorez on 125 Points
Looking for a super tagline for my blog; theappmanpower
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    What are you hoping a tagline will do for your blog?
    What is it you offer? To who? Why would they be interested? When?
    What makes you better/different from your competition? How can you prove it?
  • Posted by davidmcolorez on Author
    Jay Hamilton-Roth,

    To answer your questions: I want people to look to me as an expert in the field of Mobile Apps and Optimizing websites. I'm offering not only a super product but I back and service my client.
    I build for Local and OnLine businesses, around the world.
    In today's market you have to have a Mobile App to stay ahead of your competitors.
    What makes me stand out is my passion to service my clients, not just to make a sale, it does not stop there. I also help with social media give advice on how to better brand them self.
    I have clients who can give you testimonies about me and product as well as my commitment.
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    ...and what do your clients say about you & your work, David? What are the results your clients are seeing as a result of your efforts? Finally, what does "The App Man Power" mean to you as a name? Your clients?
  • Posted by davidmcolorez on Author
    Robert "Bob" White
    Visionary Entrepreneur
    David is a professional applications developer. He is passionate about everything he does in both his professional and...View

    Alice Cale
    Mission Marketer/Vice President & Founder levels at Beyond Organic
    It's my pleasure to Highly recommend David. He's a valued member of any team and works tirelessly to accomplish any project...View

    The appmanpower which comes from my website The- To dominate and be number #1 in the mobile app and optimize website field. To have businesses connect and engage with their clients and clients engage with friends.
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Put Your Message Everywhere
    The Mobile Website Specialist
  • Posted by Moriarty on Member
    When you say "in today's market you have to have a Mobile App to stay ahead of your competitors" can you explain why in five words? After all, you're the expert in these things.

    Also - can you offer some kind of money-back guarantee based on performance? My point is that there will be some aspect of your work that you can guarantee to almost everybody. Sure, it'll take a little getting used to, in my experience you would get some serious improvements in sign-ups with it - and the increase in profits would easily exceed genuine payouts several times over.

    Putting those two together should give you the foundations of an excellent tagline - as well as reference to your excellent references that you shared with Jay.
  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Member
    theappmanpower (Blog)
    Your Mobile Apps Info Source (... or News Source, Experts Source ??)
  • Posted by davidmcolorez on Author
    Jay, push notification, engagement, services, updates, solutions.

    There is no money-back guarantee based on performance; The App is only going to perform base on the used of the Mobile App! If one does not use the App to it's fullest, you can't expect a return on your investment. The client could pay a fee for us to do this for him/her?

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