
Topic: Taglines/Names

Property Renovation & Development Company Name

Posted by jayne.woods on 250 Points
I am currently setting up a new residental property renovation & development company and need a name that will reflect what we do - modern, contempary & quality renovations and constructions
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  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Member
    Where are you located? Who is your target audience? Do these images represent your work .. ?

    Property renovation is a very competitive business, what can you provide that will be uniquely beneficial for your target customers?
  • Posted by Moriarty on Member
    As Steve mentions, the market you're entering is fiercely competitive. What's more when most people consider price before quality, finding customers who want quality before price won't be easy.

    It can be done, and it's something I may consider doing myself - with one big difference. I would do it for the pleasure of working for people who really appreciate high quality. As a marketer I can sniff them out, keep them interested and bring the work in. Only it would never be enough to guarantee the mortgage bills.

    The world has taken a change since the US banks re-organized their sub-prime lending arrangements. That is to say, they told investors that the safe investments they had bought were worth absolutely nothing at all. Part of the fallout was painters, plumbers and carpenters losing their jobs and small builders being top of the list for business failures. When houses don't get sold, they don't get renovated. There is one glimmer and that is building extensions to existing homes, it was what our family business (closed 2004-5) excelled in.

    All of this is to warn you that it isn't going to be an easy ride.

    Furthermore, you will need an outstanding message that tells clients exactly what you do. And how you do it. No generalized names, soppy taglines. Customers will flock to your doors and ask for a lower quotation. You will spend your first week rattling through two, expecting magical things of the next months.

    Only the customers never phone you back.

    After a few months of detailed proposals you still haven't any work. Lots of red-hot proposals, rock bottom prices and nobody's biting.

    Do you need telling why? It's something even big companies miss - the customer only wants your proposal to wave under the noses of their current supplier to screw down his price to a more "acceptable" level. Eight, ten, twenty hours of your work on a proposal that was used to nail someone else to the wall with.

    Do you want to be part of that dirty deal?

    So: what do you offer that will hit the ball clear out of the stadium?

    You will have something that a few people will genuinely need, and be willing to pay hard money for and think the price is reasonable when they get the final bill.

    Find that special something and you have a business. Without it, you have a lot of hard work and even more dissapointment.

    Let's hear it.
  • Posted by jayne.woods on Author
    Thanks for your responses Steve & Moriarty.

    Steve - yes those images are a good representation.

    I am in Australia, so a totally different market to the US. To start with the business will be buying, renovating & selling properties. So no real need to attract customers. However, I would like a company name that will also allow the business to grow and offer project managment & advisory services to clients who would like their properties renovated by us.
  • Posted by Moriarty on Accepted
    In terms of your customers - which if you act as a consultant you will have - you still have to deal with what you can do best for them, and why they would choose you.

    As a business you have the groundings of a good USP in this instance - so think about that hard in the next couple of years before you start prospecting for customers.

    Don't forget, even working for yourselves, you need to sell those properties you've renovated. That implies finding customers. They need to know what you do and why.

    Modern & Contemporary. - Renovations and new build in the residential sector.
    Air, Space and Style. Bringing sad buildings back to life.
    Art, Style and Quality: Making sad buildings smile again.
    - Old buildings renewed with a passion for quality.

    Wajjerfink? You can add to the tagline or the wording on your homepage/brochures to emphasize the project management aspects of your work should you choose to do so in the future.

  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Member
    Why didn't you just say you're flipping homes (albeit upscale)? We do plenty of that in California too. Since you don't have a ".. real need to attract customers", you can call this company anything. Something generic will do just fine.

    Then create a separate name for your upcoming "project management & advisory" business that is relevant specifically for your target audience in this market segment. I suggest you write a creative brief to guide the naming development process for this business brand.

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