
Topic: Taglines/Names

Help With Taglines

Posted by c_gabriel99 on 250 Points
Our company restores bladder control for patients suffering with incontinence. We provide conservative modalities so the patient does not have the risk of surgery/medication (no side effects, pain, anestesia risks, complications).

We are the only company that provies this as a first line therapy and guarantees that all conservative modalities will be exhausted before recommending surgery/medicine.

Our ideal client is a working mother with private insurance and disposable income. If she has children in the house, she wants to be active with them without leaking, and if they have left the house, she wants to become active/independant and start a new phase of adventure in her life.

Our competitors are physicians that offer surgery or medication.

Our therapy is covered by insurance.

We want our patients to know:
-You are not alone (30 million americans suffer)
-It is not a normal part of ageing
-If you do nothing, it will get worse
-There is a safe,effective alternative

The therapy sessions last 23 minutes and are done weekly although most patients opt for twice weekly.Most patients do 8-12 sessions. Most patients note improvement after 4 sessions with some noting complete resolution at that time.

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  • Posted by Moriarty on Member
    You've shared a FANTASTIC review of who your customers are - now: what do your patients say about how they were treated? What questions would they ask online to find you? What do they say to their friends in recommending you?

    Because this will lead you to a tagline that's even better.

    In the mean time:

    The simplest solution.
    a simple and gentle solution to leaks
    around ten sessions will see it stop

    not brilliant, it needs the polish of what your clients are saying about you. It won't add much more than one word - that one word will be key to the entire tagline though.
  • Posted by Moriarty on Member
    Regain your independence in ten weeks.
    rejoice in your independence within three months

    You'd have to qualify these statements though.
  • Posted by Moriarty on Member
    Regain your independence in ten weeks.
    rejoice in your independence within three months

    You'd have to qualify these statements though.
  • Posted by Moriarty on Member
    Whoops! Button bounce. Sorry.
  • Posted by c_gabriel99 on Author
    Our patents are ecstatic and they all tell their friends which is,our second most common source of referrals (physician referrals,most common).

    Some taglines we have lights around are:
    You're in control.
    30 minutes a week for a lifetime of relief.

    But not sure if they do our service enough justice.
    Thanks for recommendations up to now.
  • Posted by Moriarty on Accepted
    Your job is to test them on your patients and see which they like. The 30 mins one is to me the best, as it implies it's not only simple but DOABLE!

    It implies you're in control.

    I like it, personally - and it's the sort of approach that a busy woman can make space for in her life.

    Do have a few rave reviews on your site. If in doubt, just ask. You'll have no trouble getting them.

    Don't use the 30 millions line as a tagline - but do mention it so that they know that one in ten or twenty women actually suffer this. That's four or five in every supermarket. What's more it's not even the sort of thing you talk about with your friends - where most other things are. So you're really a huge relief to them - do you need telling this??
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Join The Relief Team
    Stop Worrying About The Drip
  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Member
    no worries about the dribbles
    stay dribble free without surgery

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