
Topic: Taglines/Names

Need A Tagline For Large Online Travel Agent

Posted by sheri on 250 Points
We are a large online travel agent based in Australia. Our destinations focus on Australia, Asia and the Pacific mostly however we are in the process of slowly expanding. We do well and gross in the millions consistently each year.

Our target market is fairly broad and includes young people, couples and families of all ages. We offer extremely competitive deals.

Although we are an online travel agency, our point of difference is that we have a large reservations team that is available by phone during extended business hours to provide advice and support to our customers. They are able to book online or over the phone if they prefer to speak to a real person.

We are in the process of making over our logo and website and also want to update our tag line. Currently our tagline is 'the best deals are online' other ideas that have been thrown around are 'much more than a better deal' and 'the online company you can talk to'

These are a bit too long and clunky and we're looking for something that flows well and conveys our message: that we are an online travel company that offers the best prices but has real people that you can talk to.

Something short and sharp. Any ideas would be much appreciated.

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  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Accepted
    What is the name of your travel business? What is average waiting to time to talk with a LIVE adviser?
  • Posted by sheri on Author
    Hi Steve,

    We are called Travel Online and people can call our res staff for immediate assistance from around 7 am until 6pm 7 days a week. If they prefer to email for assistance turnaround times are usually within 24 hours.
  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Member
    Yep, this must be you ...

    I'll look it over and give it some thought.
  • Posted by sheri on Author
    That's correct Steve, looking forward to hearing your thoughts
  • Posted by Moriarty on Accepted
    Hi Sheri!

    I'm going to start with a scorch of your website. If for no other reason than it might help me get my ducks in a row (do you have ducks in Australia??).

    Firstly your facebook image isn't clickable. Nor are the destination images - you have to find "details" which is clickable. Check your analytics files to see what your visitors are doing (if they've got Java enabled, that is). Your copy is adequate but doesn't tell your prospect much about what they'll get there or how you can help them. The comfort of immediate response is a huge bonus. I would wind up your email team too - you could be leaving money on the table here. Personally I like email, and appreciate a response within an hour - not 24. Have you tested this? If not, you should. As with all these things, knowing what your customers want isn't that easy!

    so having waded my way through the spaghetti that is my pre-coffee state of mind - let's have a go at some taglines. Like them, don't like them - test them with your clients. Tell us why you/they like/don't like them and it'll give us a steer in the right direction.

    Australia's favourite holiday destination online
    Book in comfort and enjoy the journey
    enjoy booking as much as you enjoy your holiday!
    (with us) you'll enjoy booking as much as you'll enjoy your holiday.
    you'll love booking with us
    making booking part of your holiday!

    I like the last one best. It took some getting to ;-) Let's hear from you! As mentioned, there may be aspects none of us had thought of. Let's hear about them.

    Moriarty xx
  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Member
    Your company name doesn't reference any geographic region, so the tagline should include your Australian focus. Also, your "live by phone" offer is very good, but do you really need to include it in the tagline? Here are a few options to help get the ideas flowing ..

    EZ Reservations, Australia and Beyond

    EZ Booking for All "Down Under" Holidays

    Many More Options for "Down Under" Adventures

    Travel Australia, Reservations Made Easy

    Simple Bookings, Australia Bound
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    The Easiest Way To Holiday
    We Want You To Go Away
    Fast & Easy Travel Planning
  • Posted on Accepted
    G'day Sheri

    Really like Moriarty's "making booking part of your holiday!" - Fair Dinkum

  • Posted by Moriarty on Member
    Thanks Cobber ;-)
  • Posted by sheri on Author
    Thanks everyone for your feedback, unfortunately these aren't what we're looking for and I am not the decision-maker just the messenger if you will. Some great ideas and feedback, just not quite the direction we are headed in.

    The feedback on your feedback is that it doesn't adequately portray what is our point of difference: that we have real people offering support. Also, we try to stay away from focusing too much on the whole 'Australian' thing, particularly because our top selling destinations are in the Asia-Pacific.

    We specialise in holiday packages so the language we like to use centres around words like deals, specials, packages etc.

    Ideally for the tagline we are trying to combine those 2 key ideas: best package prices + real people you can talk to. Word from the top is that it needs to be kept pretty short. Even our current choice 'the online company you can talk to' is being voted as too long.

    Happy to hear any more ideas people may have but trust me, I understand if you are over it. I know a lot of us are, which is why I reached out here. It's so hard to please the right people!
  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Member
    Best Deals - Live Agents

    To your "top" people.

    1) is a much better name than You're a dot com of course you're "online", which of your competitor travel agences isn't online?

    2) That's a lot of diverse input to reduce to a couple of words. Focus.
  • Posted by sheri on Author
    Thanks Steve,

    That's definitely much closer to what we're looking for although pretty much along the same lines of what we've already come up with. I think we'll be hard pressed to come up with much more considering the 'stipulations' that have been put in place.

    In regards to your comments,

    1) Goodluck. We've been around for almost 20 years now so I can't see a name/domain change as drastic as that ever happening.

    2) AGREED!
  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Member
    How about :)

    Best of luck to you Sheri.
  • Posted by sheri on Author
    Thanks Steve :)
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    We Talk Travel
    It Pays To Talk To Us
  • Posted by Moriarty on Member

    Now let's get one thing straight here: who is it that says 'the online company you can talk to' is too long?

    Not the management by any chance??

    Because think of it this way: how many of them book a holiday through the website? Or do they just indulge in a few freebies that come their way as senior directors?

    Because this isn't about me, it isn't about you and it's not even about them. Or it shouldn't be. This should be all to do with your CUSTOMERS.

    Full stop.

    Forget them and your company will roll along just as it ever did, tagline or not. Because you aren't communicating with them, are you? Okay, so you do a good job on the phones - but how do they get there? How will new visitors realize that your phones are your one strength? On the basis of your website ...
    . . . . .... I'd say that they wouldn't have a clue.

    I'm a copywriter and it's my job to get all these ducks in a row and communicate them in a way that visitors have no wish to do *anything else* than get in touch with you. The way I do that is by listening to the customers, not the prattling managers. If the managers want otherwise, I'm elsewhere. If they aren't going to listen to their customers, what's the point in having a business in the first place? To polish their egoes and get free holidays to see the spring blossom in Japan? [/rant]

    So what are you looking for? "that we have real people offering support"

    so what's wrong with "making booking part of your holiday!" it tells the same story. It's also liked by an Australian commenter. It's no small thing for an Australian to praise a South African.

    So tell us what the management like and don't like and we'll come up with the goods. Unwillingly, but we will. Why unwilling? Let's just say that's how freelance marketers are when it comes to pleasing management before pleasing their customers.
  • Posted by sheri on Author
    A big thank you to everyone for your time, thoughts and feedback. Particularly you Moriarty for your lengthy responses. We have finally come to a decision, we're going to go with 'real people, real savings'. No doubt you'll all have your opinions on that and feel free to rip it apart if you wish. I am by no means an expert on these things but personally I quite like it. Thanks again for all your help, the process has been very insightful and you all provided a great learning curve in terms of how to think about things in the future.

    As a side note, I am a first time user of this site and am just wondering how it works re points. Given that we're not using any of your ideas, do I not award points at all? Or do I award points to people I thought were most helpful, etc?

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