
Topic: Taglines/Names

Travel Agency Business

Posted by Anonymous on 500 Points
I'm looking for a business name and tag line. I am a travel agent and my specialty is the single (solo) traveler. My ideal clients are 35+ mainly women, not well traveled, interested in meeting people, traveling together and making new friendships. I would love to eventually build the group to include men; maybe do a couple of events involving them. I know so many people that would like to travel but they don't have a partner and don't want to go on vacation with couples. This group will cater to them.
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Travel Friends
    Travel Friendships
    Travel Alone Together
    Solo-ng Travel
  • Posted by Moriarty on Accepted
    You've quite a hurdle to leap here. In terms of psychology there are a great many girls who don't travel *because* they haven't got a friend of some kind. They may want to, they simply wouldn't do it alone. There are exceptions - I go on business trips to Hongkong and Tokyo on my ownsome. But I'm not your ordinary housewife.

    Which is to paraphrase what you've said - but allow me to get my ducks in a row this early morning.

    Now my thoughts are wandering towards crowdfunding - where lots of people can do a little and help something bigger. Or losing yourself in the crowd. Either way they won't feel as exposed when travelling alone.

    Crowded Holidays - Lose yourself in a crowd yet you're never lost with us.

    Do you like it? If not, why not (it'll give us ideas of what you don't like - and we can work with that).
  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Accepted
    New Friends Travel Group
    Why Go Solo? Go Together.

    (The) Traveling Girlfriends
    There's Fun & Safety in Numbers

    Girls Travel Club (of your state or region)
    Group Adventures for Single Ladies
  • Posted on Author
    Moriarty, you have the right idea and I like the tag line, but I don't quite get the name. The word crowd may turn some people off. Steve, I don't want to limit it to just women because I do intend to extend it to men as well. Here's my dilemma, I was told if I use the word "single" most people will think of unmarried or a hook up group. I want this group to include married as well. There are a lot of people that would like to travel but their spouse or partner doesn't. This would be the group for them as well. I know a travel agency called Singles At Sea and by the name alone, you think of cruises and single people. I don't know if I'm over thinking this. I just want my name to be clear. I hope this helps.
  • Posted by Moriarty on Member
    My feeling is that you're not overthinking the problem, but on the other hand you need to see it in terms of what your customers get from your holidays. Now, crowd wasn't perhaps the right word - would "party" "gathering" or some other word be better? More to the point is there one that is used by your customers to express this coming together of human beings????

    Because using that word would immediately connect to their thinking!

    In other words, let them take the helm here. After all, you're in business to fulfill their needs - so why should your marketing be any different? Marketing that takes what they have in mind and shows them what you're giving is the most effective. Bar none.

    Now the issue of people travelling alone, without being single. Again, how would your customers describe this situation? (Note: you could just ask them ;-) As individuals? (long, intellectual and frankly sterile academic yawn). Not singles but separate (no). Alone? but that goes against your bringing them together. One answer would be to use the word "you" (your) and the issue is effectively side-stepped whilst still emphasizing the bringing together aspect.

    So: let's see if you like the following (rehashed from the above!)

    Crowded Holidays - Lose yourself in a crowd yet you're never lost with us. becomes

    Your very own holiday: with us you lose yourself in a bustle of new friends.

    You could name yourself "Your Very Own" "Holidays of your very own" - both are long, both are closer to what you need. What are your ideas on this? What can you come up with as a response to these suggestions? Even one word would help! It really takes very little to spark the creative mind.
  • Posted on Author
    The only word that I can come up with is group. May I ask why you use the word "holiday"? When I think of holiday, I think of certain occasions or times of year. Many people think of "solo" for individuals but I'm having a hard time marrying the two (solo and group) together. If I can come up with the word that "express this coming together of human beings" I would have it. I think of connection... Now here is what I do have "I connect people to one another through new experiences and far away places (travel). I just cannot come up with a clear enough business name. "Travel Solo No More" I don't love it but do you have to Iove your business name?
  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Accepted
    Instead of using the name "Travel Solo No More" you could use "Why Travel Solo?" with the question mark included in your business name. Then use the tagline to answer this "brand name question" with the benefits of your services. You are solving a problem, and the "why" establishes the problem in the consumer's mind while inferring you have the solution.
  • Posted on Author
    Steve, I'm going to sleep on that one. I don't know any companies that have a question mark in its business name; but it's late here. The Solo Travelers Connection may be entirely too long as well.
  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Member
    So possibly some free media/blog exposure ... example of an article "company names that ask a question, literally".

    Also, there is "Need A Hand?"
  • Posted by Moriarty on Member
    How about

    "Don't Go It Alone"


    "Going It Alone?"
  • Posted on Author
    Thank you all for your responses. Although I did not find what I was looking for; I appreciate your help.
  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Member
    Good travel planning results in good trips. Good marketing planning results in good brand names and strategic taglines.

    Check out the profiles of the top KHE forum experts. They can assist you in good marketing planning.
  • Posted by Moriarty on Member
    Let's untangle one thing: you say "Although I did not find what I was looking for". Only look at it this way: are you buying all the holidays you sell?

    Somehow I think not.

    So what do I mean when I ask this stupid question "am I buying my own stuff" - the issue is as simple as it is misunderstood. Your name isn't for you at all. It's for your **customers**. It tells your *customers* what you do - and so in reality the choice shouldn't be yours at all. You should take a few names and test them on your customers - just ask them, show them three names and see which one they like best!

    That way it'll connect with them. Because it doesn't need to connect with you at all ...

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