
Topic: Taglines/Names

Tagline For Niche Design Co.

Posted by kinu4 on 250 Points
I have found myself in a new business which morphed from my existing work. I am designing private personal spaces and some professional offices. These are contemporary, serene environments which incorporate color, energy flow and raw natural elements into modern design. I have an existing company name, but need a tagline which will describe the work I do.
PS. this reinvents my career and introduces existing clients to work I have done for years, but now has become a larger focus of my work.
I have no clue.... :) help!
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  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Member
    What is your existing company name? Ideally, a tagline will not repeat the words used in a company name. Plus, a tagline should "go and flow" with the company name,
  • Posted by kinu4 on Author
    its called Sun+Light+Spirit

  • Posted by kinu4 on Author
    the hard part for me is I am an artist and people know my name, not a business name. Nor do they realize I design these sorts of environments since it morphed out from my painting, etc. So its a reinvention of my work.
  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Member
    Human Factors Space Design, LLC
    Personal Environments for Home & Office
  • Posted by kinu4 on Author
    hmmmmm . I like it . "personal" I think people will ask "whats a personal environment?? dont you? This is where I just go blank.
    The business name is so etheric, and the clientele is trying to to relax and are often scared of etheric but are reaching for it with one eye open.
  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Accepted
    hmmmmmm, thanks. You said .. "I am designing private personal spaces", so what did you mean by personal spaces?

    Private as opposed to public. Personal is custom to an individual, perhaps "exclusive" or even "secluded" from just anyone. It's a question only your clients can answer.

    "human factors" is a term-of-art used by professional designers for decades. So .. "etheric" maybe for some? Again only your clients can tell you if they're "scared" of this term. If they are, perhaps they will not be your best clients, or best paying clients :)

    My main thought was to "go professional" more than to "go artsy" for this business category, but I'm thinking generally. You know who you are and the kind of business you want.
  • Posted by kinu4 on Author
    You are totally right. I always go artsy because I live that. But I am trying to attract clientele that generally is not artsy and can be the best paying clients.
    and this is why I posted here, because I need "business" and more mainstream. I personally do not think that way, and need help.
    by the way I was talking only about the word "personal" I get the rest of it. Sorry if it came out as if I was thinking about all the words. The name of my business is Sun+Light+Spirit, LLC
    So the human factors would have to fall into another marketing piece i guess.
    I love the words "exclusive" and 'secluded"
    Thank you.
  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Member
    Glad it was of some help Kinu. Onward.

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