
Topic: Taglines/Names

Chamber Of Commerce Tagline

Posted by stevei on 25 Points
Looking for ideas for tagline for chamber of commerce. Chambers are business and community related. They are membership driven. They support their community and help businesses connect with other businesses.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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  • Posted by Moriarty on Accepted
    What is your involvement with this chamber of commerce, and where is it located? Whilst they are "business and community related" what relationship can you offer to potential members?

    Because I can come up with any number of cheesy one-liner taglines - only your problem would be to live up to them. It would lead to a huge level of disappointment in your potential membership. It's a whole lot easier if you tell us something about yourselves that will make your tagline do the job it's supposed to do.

    Then you'll get people expecting the very things you can offer.

    Life's easier that way. Sure, it's not very nice having nasty people like me asking personal questions, it's a whole lot nicer than losing business because you've got a tagline that says nothing.
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    What are you hoping that the tagline will do for your chamber? Why wouldn't YourCityName Chamber of Commerce (as a name) suffice?
  • Posted by stevei on Author
    I live in Closter NJ and small town of 8500 and 7 miles north of the George Washington Bridge. I came up with one of slogans "Shop Local and Watch Closter Grow". I have seen many taglines, most of them are simple. I am looking for something new to increase our business membership and want to stress the benefits of joining our Chamber
  • Posted by Moriarty on Member
    Can you tell us what the benefits of joining your Chamber are, so that we can stress them for you?

    We live in a world where price means more than just about anything - Amazon supplying Chinese goods is testimony to that. Shopping locally comes a poor second when you haven't much money to live on.

    Yet it's the very thing that will bring communities back to life. You can help in this, but it won't be easy.
  • Posted by stevei on Author
    I look at business as being the Heart of our town and if the Heart stops beating, the town will die. We live in an "internet society" and Closter is only 15 minutes away from more than 3 major shopping centers. some proplr look at "B2B" as being "Business 2 Business" and I try to sell it as "Back 2 Basics".
    The benefits of joining is forming a business community and knowing who your "neighbors" are. We are also 60% Korean/Asian owned properties and business. We are trying to bridge that gap and convince everyone that as a group, we can accomplish more than any one individual can.
  • Posted by Moriarty on Member
    I can easily understand the "town will die" - it is a very real danger that few here in Europe are aware of. I'm glad that someone in your position can accept this reality. It's the first step in dealing with it.

    So taking your thoughts - how about:

    Bridging the gap between businesses
    Closter is Stronger together
    business bridging in Closter
    Business means community
    Buying in Closter means profits in Closter

    Any thoughts on these? Do you like them? How might you improve them yourself (after all, you're in the driving seat). As importantly, what do your local businesses think about your tagline?
  • Posted by stevei on Author
    Not bad, Moriarty.
    Let me run it past my "committee" and I will get back to you soon.
    Thanks, Steve
  • Posted by Moriarty on Member
    Do that! If they spark any better ideas, my job will have been done!
  • Posted by stevei on Author
    I am waiting for our committee to get their act together, so we can meet and review the ideas.
  • Posted by stevei on Author

    I have not accepted anything yet, why does it show that I have?
  • Posted by Moriarty on Member
    Don't worry about it being closed, open questions are closed automatically after a given time.

    I'm afraid it doesn't take account of committees that think they've all the time in the world ;-)

    You can post a new question - or just respond here as you'll show up in the dialogue area as having responded.

  • Posted by stevei on Author
    Thanks, M!

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