
Topic: Taglines/Names

What To Name My Photography And Crafts Business?

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I am a photographer but in the future I would like to open up a studio where I can shoot my photography but also do arts and crafts. My goal is to open up the studio to public where they can come and paint and do DIY projects (make bows, baskets, jewelry, etc).
So far I came up with Studio 408 (the 408 comes from my daughters bday 4/8/12).
I also thought about LP photography & crafts. (LP are my initials)
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  • Posted by Moriarty on Accepted
    Firstly there's nothing inherently wrong with any name you choose. However there is one aspect that's important here, and that's how your clients will view it - or get to hear about it. That's when a name (and tagline) is important for them to recognize.

    Either that or it'll cost you a slice of your profits to get it past them.

    So let's look at Studio 408. It's short, crispy and gives a good indication of what you do. After all, only artists need studios. A tagline like "photography & crafts" would help - and taglines are a lot easier to change than business names.

    The small print. We need further information to proceed: where are you, what makes you special, how will your customers find you and why would they choose you? Are you the only decent photographer in town? Are you the best by miles? Please don't say you'll be cheaper ;-)

    In the mean time do you like

    The Art Institute: Photography, painting and crafts (dull but does the job)
    PPP - photography, painting and ... (well, I couldn't think of a P for crafts ... you get the drift ... )
    The Drop In Studio - where locals gather to enjoy crafts (not too good, a little work needed)
    The Local Art Depot - all things visual.
    Canvas and Light - painting and photography. Plus a lot more too.

    Let us know what you think.
  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Accepted
    Using your initials or your daughter's birthday may well be fine in intention, but in terms of relevance to your ideal buyer, these names are meaningless. Instead, consider crafting your studio name around the desired ourcome of your ideal prospect.
  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    Gary is right, of course. A name that is meaningful to you (only) is not likely to mean much to your target customer. Think about what benefit you want to communicate, and then craft a name that expresses that benefit. The more specific the better.
  • Posted on Author
    Thank you everyone for your advice.
    Moriarty to answer some of your questions. I am from Dallas, tx. I am not the only photographer in town. There are many competitors. The difference with me is that I am very flexible with time and all my wedding clients receive a digital photo book included in the package. I also provide all images in a usb.
    Who am I? Well I am motivated, funny, loving, imaginative, outgoing, blessed, clever, spirited, true, caring, vibrant, and love nature. Those are a few words that describe me and how I want my studios vibe to be like.
    I thought maybe incorporating these words in my studio.
    For instance:
    Truly Inspired Studio
    Color Me Studio
    Bona Fide Studio
    The Knacks Studio
    True Light Studio

    I'm just not sure if they sound right or will catch peoples eye. What do you all think? Are any of these names good?
  • Posted by Moriarty on Member
    Hi Lynn - good morning! It's tomorrow here now.

    Now: I just stuck "photographer Dallas" into Yahoo and you're right, it's jammed. However they all seem the "standard" kind of photographer - the two I looked at had photos of different people only they were identical in every other respect.

    Before I go any further, get your customers to choose a name for you. Either ask previous people straight (email/letter/phonecall - and offer them a tidbit for their trouble) or run a swift online campaign with each name in the headline. It doesn't matter about the details right now, it's only to gather the information that's important. Howie Jacobson's "Adwords for Dummies" ( is an excellent start. You won't be wasting your time with him and it'll get you ahead of EVERYBODY in the game if you take his book seriously. Oh, and he's a really nice guy too - he'll make you smile as well.


    I like the fact that you can engage with your customers. Most people can, it does seem to be something the girls do better. It's something I'd like to include in your name (or tagline).

    As to your names, they seem to be "circling" what you do from all sides without actually touching it. Which is fair enough only I'm going to see if I can mangle them for you ;-) And since you ask, "True lights" is the one that tells me the most about you. Yes, and I like it too. It's not plodding like "bona fide" or flat like "truly inspired" - but then, without those you'd not have come up with true light, would you?

    Which is the one that speaks to me of what you do. Because light has many connotations.

    Taking this line

    The light beautiful
    The light creative
    the creative light (yawn)
    a lighter light ( ... no)

    I'll leave it at that for now; if you do test them with your previous customers, take one you don't like as well, just in case! If they don't like it either then you know you're on the right track.

    A further question, and an important one. What do customers tell you when they come back for a second time? What do customers say when they've been referred by a happy customer? These are what people think you really are worth and should be included in your communication with new customers somewhere as these two kinds of customers are your very best kind.

  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    The names you've suggested may be good to describe your "vibe", but clients aren't initially looking for that. They're looking for the right photographer for their needs. What words would they use to describe who they want to hire, when, and why?
  • Posted by zmvgoncalves on Accepted
    Hi Lenny,

    Maybe you can use something of these.

    Lenny's Photography & Arts Studio

    Smile ( Name )
    Photography & Art Studio.

    Say Cheese,
    Photography & Art Studio.

    Check Out these idea's maybe you can combine.

    Quick and easy way with Lenny's Photography & Arts Studio.
    Lennys Photography & Arts Studio brings you to glow.
    Lennys Photography & Arts Studio 4U!.
    Night or day, Lennys Photography & Arts Studio is your way.

    Hope you can use something.
  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Accepted
    It seems you really need two separate names ..

    1) A personal brand name for your own art, be it photography or some other arts and crafts. Probably using your own name as you are the signature artist of these creations.

    2) A customer benefit name for a "arts and crafts" DIY studio open to the public, where they are the artists using their names as the signature artist of their own creations.
  • Posted by Visual Clue on Accepted
    Click and create Centre
    Click and Craft studio
    Click- Craft- Create
    Studio C
    Creatography Center

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