
Topic: Taglines/Names

The Peacock's Feather

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I need to find a tagline for my business The Peacock's Feather. I hire out ballgowns, evening dresses, cocktail dresses and bridesmaid dresses, obviously all for females and in the age range of 15-100+years.
If you can help me please reply as I am desperate to launch my business and need to market it properly.
Thanks in advance.
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Be Cinderella For A Night
    Special Occasion Dress Rental
  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Accepted
    pick-a-dream dress for special evenings
    dream dresses for enchanted evenings
    perfect dresses for special nights
    all dresses, for all occasions
  • Posted by Moriarty on Accepted
    There are various reasons to hire a gown - not all of them financial. Some are simply that there's no space to keep it at home, or it's great for trying out a style.

    Flair for the evening
    One evening's flair:
    find your perfect fashion by trying it first.

    You could mix these with other suggestions to be comprehensive.

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