
Topic: Taglines/Names

New Dog Collar Business Focusing On Beaded Collars

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I create beaded dog collars for small to medium dogs. (i.e. Poodle, Bichon, Schnauzer etc.) The materials are a stainless steel wire with a pull strength of 200lbs and high quality beads of various types and colors depending on what the client requires. These collars are intended for leash walking not just looking pretty. I intend to provide matching leashes as well in the future.

I need to come up with a name that is memorable to the market and cutesy since I am angling for the sector of the market that likes to accessorize their pet vs the buyer who just wants to buy one collar for their dog's lifetime.

I intend to create an Etsy shop as well as consignment sales in various groomers in my area. I will create a logo and tags for the collars once I have a name / tagline.

Thanks for all your help!

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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Steel Your Dog
    Steel N' Beads
    Beady Eye (Steel) Dog
  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Accepted
    Bling Dogger (or Dawgr)
    Royal Pooches
    Top Dog
    Fashion Dog
  • Posted by Moriarty on Accepted
    I think you've got a great idea - what competition do you face? Is there anybody else making this sort of thing that you need to differentiate yourself from? What reactions have you had from groomers and owners so far? It's a unique idea that has a lot of untapped potential in my mind (see below if you're brave enough ;-)

    How about - Silvery Dog Collars (silverydogcollars is available on Etsy)
    Goth Dog collars (gothdogcollars is also available)
    Dogs Accessories
    Dogs Accdssorize

    Using your customer's input will help you a lot in choosing a name. Share this with us and I guarantee to come up with better - and more suited names.

    NOTE: When I read your question my thoughts were that a stainless steel collar would be extremely strong. After all, 200lbs of pull isn't the sort of thing you expect from a poodle. Well, mine wasn't that powerful. Bigger dogs are. You should at least consider the owners who have powerful dogs and want to display that with a stainless steel collar! Okay so someone else may be doing this, you may find you can do this better and make more money selling to them. Not as nice perhaps, when it comes to business you may not do what you always want. However pleasing customers has its own rewards.
  • Posted on Author
    Moriarty -

    Thanks for the response. I think maybe a link to the collars would be helpful to give an idea of what I am producing. (see below)

    The response has been quite good. These collars could be worn by larger dogs in as much as the test strength of the wire can more than handle them since it is used to catch very large salt water fish, but the safety of the dog wearing it would be my concern. Due to the smaller size of the beads if a large dog were to pull strenuously it might in affect act as a garrote. This is not something I want to contemplate so I am only producing collars with neck diameters suitable for smaller dogs.
  • Posted by Moriarty on Accepted
    Ah! I was imagining something more like thin strands of stainless steel made into something like a macrame with stones set in and that kind of thing.

    From the pictures I can see where you're headed - that's a big help. It's the kind of wire I use for the rigging of my dinghy. A thought - have your buyers commented on the crimped connections you're using? To my mind they're not that pretty - is there anything you can do with them to make them more attractive (file patterns in them??). Just askin'

    what other comments have been made by those purchasing them? What have their reactions been when using them?

    How about

    the bead connection
    collared beads
    collared collection

    anything you like here?

  • Posted on Author
    They don't seem to mind the crimp. The blue collar has a larger crimp than I am using now so it is less noticeable. All they see is the beads to be honest since no one else is doing them like that here.

    I do not want to focus on a particular breed in the name. Because this is aimed at the smaller dog market who are usually spoiled by their owners I am trying to come up with something cute and catchy.

    My Chinese Crested is Voodoo and was trying to work her name into it, but the connotation of Voodoo might put some people off. Then I went Vooboo and have that name saved but just not sure.
  • Posted by Visual Clue on Accepted
    Poochi Collar Or Pucci ( like Gucci)


    Collar and Ruff

    Fur Necklace

  • Posted by Moriarty on Accepted
    I like the "Pucci" (as in Gucci)!!

    I agree about Voodoo - to those who don't know, it's intimidating. To others, it's just a name.

    However I'm going to try a few more -

    four paws jewellery
    collars & stuff

    Any better?
  • Posted on Author
    Yep, those are more the right direction.

  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Member
    I used the keyword search phrase .. "designer dog collars" in both Google (image) and Bing (image).

    There are hundreds of designer collars that could be consider your competitors in the minds of your target audience. How are you truly different, unique, better than, more niched etc. than the rest of the field. The answer can be new criteria for your name development planning.

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