
Topic: Taglines/Names

Tagline Needed For Beer Magazine

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I work as Marketing Manager for a beer magazine and I need a catchy tagline that will make people want to pick up a beer magazine off of a Target shelf. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
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  • Posted by Moriarty on Accepted
    A few questions before I dive in (only hoping ... ! )

    Where are you based? What kinds of beers do you feature? What kinds of beer drinkers buy your magazine (real ales, lager, Vlaamse Tripel Bok, Dusseldorfer doppel - all of these have a very different target audience. Some in the UK, a few in the US and more in Europe).

    In short, what is your (generalized because this is a public site) customer/buyer demographic? Are they serious or fun? Drinking for pleasure on a Sunday afternoon, or looking for the highest alcohol content?

    A few non-descript taglines:

    You'll drink this mag dry
    A magazine to enjoy as much as the beer you'll read about [long but accurate and v. dull]
    Tippling the balance
    A barrel of laughs [???]
    From hogshead to glass: we cover the lot.

    What do you think? Mix/match (or just put a match to the lot!).
  • Posted by josephmcelroy on Accepted
    college: This Magazine is a drinking a game, every time you read it someone has to drink.
    adult: If you are a Martini drinker - go read a book.
    adult2: This Magazine is for lovers - which means everybody after a few beers.
    highend: Writing for the perfect pint.

  • Posted on Author
    Thank you guys! This is a serious beer magazine based out of North Carolina. Our target demographic are men ages 35-65 making over $100,000/year, more married than not. We feature only craft beer, and our fans are considered "beer geeks." We picture our fans enjoying a beer over a good book, by the fireplace, with close friends, etc.

    The perfect tagline for this campaign would be something that would entice people to pick up the magazine off of a Target shelf in the beer section.
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Good For Whatever Ales' Ya
    Sip A Peek Inside
    Let Your Eyes Drink This Up
  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Accepted
    "We Feature Only Craft Beer" is your positioning niche ..

    Latest News in Craft Beers
    Journal of Craft Beer Drinkers
    Craft Beer - News & Reviews
    Craft Beer Drinkers Insider

    (note: if "craft beer" is in your name, then these taglines will not work)
  • Posted by Moriarty on Accepted
    Thanks for that, Kelly! I'll have another go.

    Flavors from across the world
    Enjoy flavors from across the world
    Bringing you flavor of beer
    The flavor of beer (oops, I'm in a rut here!)

    Distinct, different, dark and flavorsome.
    Enjoy the difference and meet the brewers.
    Brewers talk, beer talk, flavor talk.
    The single pint, the double flavor and the triple bok [they should know what one of those is!]

    Are any of these in the right direction?
  • Posted by mgoodman on Moderator
    What's the name of the magazine?
  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Accepted
    Relevance over catchy will win you more viewers. Your goal here is to generate curiosity. Regular readers will pick your magazine up no matter what. If I'm your ideal reader, what do you want me to do once I've picked up your magazine?
  • Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on Accepted
    You are targeting men making $100k or more and that shop at Target?

    From a press statement that it looks like Target put out (read at
    - Eighty to ninety percent of Target guests are female.
    - The median household income of Target guests is $55,000.

    Doesn't answer your question, but if Target is your main channel of distribution, you may want to rethink your target or your distribution.

    That all said, and I do have magazine experience myself (for what it is worth), I am not sure a tag line on a magazine will help drive readers that much.
  • Posted by shmily97 on Member
    Proper reading for the proud beer geek..

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