
Topic: Taglines/Names

Tagline For An It & Telco Business Required

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
Hi everyone, I have recently started a telecom company. IT & T Communications, Trading as Talk Australia.
We sell B2B Telecom products and manage IT for businesses.
I need a tagline/ slogan for my business.
Please contribute some ideas.
Thank You
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  • Posted on Author
    I have a couple of Ideas:

    1. Talk Australia - Let's connect
    2. Talk Australia - We're listening
  • Posted by josephmcelroy on Accepted
    Talk Australia - Whether you say it or send it, we support it.
  • Posted by Moriarty on Accepted
    I would like first to ask you a few questions before chancing my arm with a few taglines. Because this is a bitterly fought niche. The commodity is well understood and practically everybody is offering something cheaper.

    You have a choice: join them - or get clever and make your mark.

    If you're going to get clever you need to know who's buying your services.

    **And why they are buying**.

    Because this approach happens before they've even made a financial decision. Sure, they'll explain it all away afterwards, but by then you'll have them in the bag explaining why they bought the best for their company.

    So what do you offer that NOBODY else is offering? Some special technique, better customer service, easily installed and used (etc, etc), location?

    I don't know. You do. Your customers will too - when they see your tagline. If you're so new that you haven't identified any customer types yet, you need to imagine who it is that needs exactly what you provide.

    After all marketing is only matching the thing you do best to those who need it most. That's very easy for some, and devastatingly difficult for most. My tip is to do a SWOT analysis on those you're heading up against, It'll give you a clear idea of where the gaps are in the market - and will allow you to 'position' yourself as someone special.

    So - having warmed myself up with that drivel, down to business:

    Talk Australia: we see to it that you can.
    business communications kept simple
    we keep communication lines open
    we keep businesses talking
    we keep you in touch.
    night and day we're listening - [perhaps not given the recent surveillance scandals!]

    Do you like them? Do test them on your potential clients via a Google display network campaign - it'll give you fantastic insights into who your potential customers are.

  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Great Communication Starts With Us
    Your Business Deserves The Best
  • Posted by Pasha on Accepted
    how about something simple like - "We keep you Talking"
  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Accepted
    Keeping Businesses Connected
    Great Connections, Down Under

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