
Topic: Taglines/Names

Need A Name For My Mother Company

Posted by francis.ruchika on 250 Points

I am going to start a new company,in collaboration with other companies that will deal with pure consulting services, related to IT, Travel, Real Estate and so on.
This is going to be the mother company, with different brands working with it, like and immigration...
2.IT, web designs, software...
3.Real state...

Our USP would be the honest and transparent services delivered that exceeds the customer expectations with value for money.

Kindly suggest a simple and catchy name for people to spell and understand, with a simple and effective punchline.

Ruchika Francis
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  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    Who is this name for? Will your customers know, or need to know, the name of the parent company? If so, why?

    The best names are most relevant and specific to the customer base. Umbrella names just get in the way. Someone who wants IT services is not likely to care about who owns the company or whether the company also has travel and immigration expertise. Those irrelevant factoids will just confuse them -- as will a meaningless corporate parent's name.

    Help us understand what the purpose of the extra name would be. Perhaps then we can be helpful.
  • Posted by Moriarty on Accepted
    In what way are you consulting? Management, marketing, accountancy?

    More to the point is how you intend demonstrating your USP. Just saying you're honest and hard working went the way of good ideas when the Snake Oil Salesmen rolled into town 150 years ago. People are hardened to words, however they are not hardened to reality, nor should they be. Do you have any references you can share with us that speak of this?

    Now: what can you offer that would make a passer by turn their heads - and then stop. Even online, you have passers by who sail in and out without stopping. What one thing can you offer them to make them think "this is for me"?
  • Posted by francis.ruchika on Author
    We need to have a one stop solution consultancy firm. To begin with, we will start with IT , immigration and Travel.
    Name of Parent company well in will be in the invoices issued ....
    Our Customers are supposed to know the brand
    Lux Soap..
    is a brand...
    mother comp is... ITC :D, same way The invoice will be issued by the name of mother company and it will be controlling the brands(IT & Travel)
    Our USP would be..
    Value for money.....
    and Honest/true advise/services
    And if this does not make things clear, please suggest, what feature/quality they seek in a new service provider ditch their old one..

    Ruchika Francis

  • Posted by Moriarty on Accepted
    You want a brand that customers know about like Lux soap. It's said that an advertisement needs to be seen eight times before it registers with them.

    Have you the time and money to do this? Or would you prefer them to notice you the very first time?

    Because I know which I'd prefer.

    Only it takes a little more than being cheaper, or faster or whatever. It takes being you - or the "group you" that makes your business what it is. It takes managers having the confidence to deal with new prospects as if they'd been customers for a decade. It takes the stuff of a real USP: something that goes to the core of your business, arrow fast. Which is actually my job - only I don't go talking about it, I do it.

    Now most businesses don't even know what a consultant can do for them - let alone go looking for one. By the time they realize they need one, they've already got the lawyers' letters and the bailiffs are knocking. They've also got an ulcer from the stress just to add a little fun.

    So my advice is to forget trying to grab other clients' precious customers, break up relationships developed over the course of decades. You may even find that your competition is more than happy to get rid of the customers who value money more than the advice they received.

    In what way do you offer honest advice? What happens when you've offered advice in good faith, honestly - and it's gone wrong - what do you do then? What kind of guarantees can you offer? These things will prick the ears of someone who needs what you can do for them in the way you can do it. They're your perfect customer - only they don't know it yet. Your problem is to find them, and that when they don't even know they've got a problem. What's more you have to *demonstrate* who you are, what you can do for them and just how honest you are.

    Does this help?
  • Posted by francis.ruchika on Author

    I need a name Please suggest..

    We need to have a one stop solution consultancy firm. To begin with, we will start with IT , immigration and Travel.
    Name of Parent company well in will be in the invoices issued ....
    Our Customers are supposed to know the brand
    Lux Soap..
    is a brand...
    mother comp is... ITC :D, same way The invoice will be issued by the name of mother company and it will be controlling the brands(IT & Travel)
    Our USP would be..
    Value for money.....
    and Honest/true advise/services
    And if this does not make things clear, please suggest, what feature/quality they seek in a new service provider ditch their old one..

    Ruchika Francis

  • Posted by Moriarty on Accepted
    ITC Consultancy - doing more for less.
    One Stop Consultancy - the value for money consultancy
    IT & Travel Consultancy - honesty is our watchword.
    Immigration & IT Consultancy - where your money counts. Honest.
  • Posted by francis.ruchika on Author
    I do not think we can go with such names..
    IT and Travel are the brands we are starting with... we might add some more like Real Estate, Events and all.
    Please suggest something that gives a complete meaning...
    One Stop Consultancy is fine... there are so many on Google with this name.
  • Posted by Moriarty on Accepted
    The Complete Consulting Group
    complete consulting
    Integrated Consultancy
    IT, Travel, Real Estate and Events Group
    Integral Consultancy

  • Posted by francis.ruchika on Author
    Thanks Gemma,

    All these are allready occupied.. :(
    I am happy with the tagline :) thanks a lot..
    But Still waiting for some name...

  • Posted by Moriarty on Accepted
    Just having a URL won't attract visitors by itself. You need good, focussed copy to back it up - that's when it becomes effective for SEO.

    the-complete-consulting-group is available in all domains. It's also easy to read. is taken otherwise available for .biz, .net and .org is taken otherwise available for .biz, .net and .org

    note that whislt they are taken, they may not be being actively pursued. It would be sensible to contact the owners to see if they'd like to sell you their domain name.

    Does this help?

  • Posted by francis.ruchika on Author
    I am looking for one or 2 words for name.
    with tagline suggested : "Doing more for less"
  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Accepted
    One Place Consultancy (or Advisory)
    Whole Enchilada Consultants
    All Solutions Advisors
    Absolute Advisory
    Universal Stop Consultancy
    The Works Consultants
    ITIT Inc. (or Corp, or LLC)
    Integuru Advisors
    Integrancy Consultants

    (mix and match as desired)
  • Posted by Moriarty on Accepted
    The Solution
    Solution consultants
    No problem! (no more problem)
  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Accepted
    IT and travel are not brands, they are categories. You won't have a brand until you've created some value or benefit derived thing that connects your company and the solutions it delivers to the long term memory of the people buying from your you on a recurring basis.

    Unless you hav the same kind of pull and clout as Publicis or Omnicrom, or until you have considerable capital investment and the staff, segment experience, and infrastructure to back it all up you may have little chance of becoming a one stop shop in the catagories you plan on serving.
    You CAN do it: I'm not saying it's not possibly; all I'm urging is caution in trying to do to much too quickly. Less can be more. Your plan may need a 3 to 5 year strategic overview to back it all up. And really, the name of the mother company is not what matters; what does matter is the results you generate for your clients.
  • Posted by Visual Clue on Accepted
    Can-sultancy - we do what others can't

    Cut-sultants- doing more for less

    HELP Consultants- doing more for less

  • Posted by francis.ruchika on Author
    Thank you all......... :)

    I got the name.. :)

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