
Topic: Taglines/Names

Brand Name & Tagline Needed For Gents Undergarment

Posted by azkaar on 250 Points
Hi all

We are going to manufacture gents undergarments at par in quality with the leading brands, for which I am searching for an attractive brand name and tagline. Can anyone help please ? Thanks

Azkaar Baig
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  • Posted by Moriarty on Member
    Why only par quality with the leading brands? Why not better? My bet is that if you're going for quality of this kind your garments WILL be better in one or two details. Could you look at your products in this light and see where yours are different, more attractive or simply more comfortable? Whilst this need not even be present on your name or tagline, it will be the focus of your copy.

    Now the other side of this is what your customers want of you, which sort of goes hand in hand with the above. The garment industry is littered with defunct companies that thought they knew this - and didn't. So don't make this mistake. It will cost you a lot of money to sell to everybody, and speaking to the person who likes what you do most will make or break your advertising budget.

    So, let's have a look at names. The waffle above helps me focus on you too. Names need to mean something in our commercial world, and if they're not focussed on you and what you do means they're less effective. What's more, I'm assuming your best customer is a busy businessman who does a lot of travelling and likes golf and sport in general. Pretty vague as customer profiles go, but it'll do for a start.

    Golferz - making business and sport comfortable.
    New You - the comfortable undergarment for business and sport

    That'll do for a start. Take it from there - what suggestions can you add for us to get our teeth into?
  • Posted by Visual Clue on Member
    Holster- for the whole package

    Dudz - all about the feel.

    Shockz - (short jocks) its the feeling that counts.

    John J. - the way a man should feel.
  • Posted by mgoodman on Moderator
    Do you have any particular target audience in mind for your me-too product? Have you developed a rough marketing plan? What's the positioning benefit for your target audience? Where?
  • Posted by azkaar on Author
    Thanks everybody for the prompt responses.

    Moriarty, you are right and we are focusing both on comfort and the looks at the same time.
    Our target community shall be Asian, Arabs as well as some European countries to begin with, until we establish business ties in rest of the world. "New You" is appealing, since I am looking for a two-words brand name which appears to be more attractive current days, but please suggest some more. Someone suggested me to use numbers and digits, but I couldn't come up with any charming one.

    Thanks Visual Clue, could you please suggest some more of the two word names, Thanks.

    mgoodman, well yes, target audience is the same as I've just mentioned, while the marketing plan is being developed, I was more concerned for a brand name first to begin with, or should I re-evaluate my strategy ?

    More suggestions are requested. Thanks
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    You've identified a large target audience. What age within that community? What styles? What price point relative to your competition?

    Yes - develop your marketing plan first. Then once that's clearly thought though, develop a brand name that's appropriate for your audience.
  • Posted by Moriarty on Member
    Firstly, I wouldn't go with numbers, they're too abstract unless they're well known (like 007 or whatever). When you're setting up a marketing plan, the most important thing is to find a direct path from your product to your best kind of customer. That way your marketing spend will be dramatically lower. Selling to everybody is ineffective - selling to a select few will make them feel selected and will encourage others to jump aboard too.

    In the meantime, a few more (general) ideas

    Me AndYou [ two words ;-) ]
    And Or [only I'm not quite sure how you'd use this in the context of undergarments, but hey, you've got Dr Pepper selling sweet drinks that haven't seen a pepper in their lives ... ]
    An d'Or [as in Gold!]
    Your d'Or [well, it might work?]
    under or
    un d'or [??? I think i need a lie down, don't you?]

    What do you think?
  • Posted by shmily97 on Member
    This may sound naïve and I'm no professional, I merely came across this site asking a question for myself a year or so back, but this is my take on Visual Clue's suggestion of "Holster-For the whole package"
    I happen to really like this name and tagline. I feel that it would appeal to both sexes in a very simple way, Men would gravitate to it because of the ego factor (no offense) and women would gravitate towards purchasing it out of the pride in their men factor.
    It also doesn't hurt that the name is very similar in spelling to another popular brand name.
    Just my little opinion...
  • Posted by azkaar on Author

    Thanks for the clues and the advices.

    I read somewhere "Testosterone", being a symbol masculinity, could be eye catching for both the genders, though the stuff we are focusing on is men-only but would surely need the opposite gender's "recommendation", if you would call it so. Under single word names another one is, "Celsius", it just came up, don't know if it has been taken already but does compete with Fahrenheit. Please could you coin something on the tone of "Calvin Klein, Dolce & Gabbana, Marks & Spencer, Giorgio Armani". I could find some Italian words giving the same phonetic effect but their meanings had nothing to do with the garments etc. I came up with Giovani Tesoro (Young & Youthful Treasure), Giovani Forza (Young & Youthful Force/Strength/Spirit) etc.

    Thanks for the help, indeed.
  • Posted by Moriarty on Member
    The Italian connection ... hmmm. It may be a little overused, I can give it a go. However I would strongly advise you to test these names with an online campaign to see which appeals to the kind of public you will be selling to. Google's display network is good for this. What's more it's inexpensive and gives red hot information.


    Only it needs to be sort-of English (so people know what you're on about!). Otherwise it can be un vicolo cieco reale. Or some such rubbish that nobody'll get what it means! As I say, test it!

    Giovani Forza would be my instinctive choice. Don't forget to look them up in the telephone directory and give 'em a job as your 'top' designer ;-)

    Now I don't speak Italian beyond por favore (which is Spanish anyway). So this has been shoved through Google translate ... undergarments comes out as "indumento intimo". I'm just having a bit of fun here, it's a good warmup to some focussed brainstorming.

    How about "intimo Roma"?

    "Intimo Forza"
    Forza intimo

    all the "warm" adjectives are scary - scaldari, riscaldale, caldo (which to English eyes looks like "cold"). Because the name needs to suggest something about your product, at least by feel. I guess the very Italianness of the name would do that?

    I'm struggling. I need feedback! Help!!

    Let me know what you think of my ideas and we'll take it from there. Okay?

  • Posted by Visual Clue on Member
    I have been considering dabbling in the rag trade with a brand name called Jasper George.

    JG - Jasper George - the history of a man

    It's fun it's different it's sofisticated, it's masculine. Your are welcome to it if you like it.
  • Posted by azkaar on Author

    Great ideas, you are doing magic. I used google translate before posting the question here, to see if anything comes up even in Albanian language but again the same, either the phonetics are not cool or the word simply doesn't have anything to do with the garments, what to talk of under-.

    lol, guess what, a near miss, Giovani Forza has its alias, Giovani sforza already on the market :). Just been revealed by Mr. Google.

    We can have the liberty of using multiple languages in a name, one word from English 2nd even from Czech, as long as it wakes one up :)
    Anymore suggestions please ?

    @Visual Clue

    Thanks, Jasper George is appealing, indeed. Just, could you please elaborate further on the history/story behind this, how does it relate to the history of a man. I'm sorry for being naive into it. The phonetic appeal of Jasper George is wonderful and I can imagine seeing an Ad of a man wandering in the stones/barren etc (relating it to stone age, so the history etc.)
  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Member
    The Style of Man (take off from "The Isle of Man")
  • Posted by azkaar on Author
    @Steve Byrne

    That's creative indeed. Any suggestion what tagline will suit it ?
  • Posted by Moriarty on Member
    I like the "Style of man" - to my mind it's more something for a gent's tailors. More to the point how many men think of underwear being stylish? Comfy, sure. To my mind you need something more intimate for your undergarments. A name does fit this image - or something that implies intimacy.

    Would it be sexy to use a girl's name - or would this put men off buying them? I don't know what men think of this kind of thing ;-)

    Now Forza is out it seems. Fair enough, it was a stab in the dark after all. Now I was thinking of "Italian Summer" which comes out as "Estate Italiana" (oh, dear!). So much for my talents in speaking Italian - I can order white wine and a meal but that's all. Oh, and fuel on the autostrada.

    How about

    "Estate of man" - a knockoff from Steve's idea but more possessive and without the other implications.

    "Estate of Man" - stylish, natural and fresh [which is what you want of your underwear]

    Is this any better?

  • Posted by azkaar on Author

    Thats interesting and of course its Men's "estate" but isn't a three word name too long to speak out ?
    What about EstateMen ? (Estateman is already taken for a property management software.
    While a girl's name for a man's underwear won't sound appealing unless they understand that the level of comfort is way above it is offered in the ladies brands :)

    Oh tough task !
  • Posted by Moriarty on Member
    To my mind, "of" doesn't really count as a word. It sort of becomes part of the next word when spoken.

    I don't think it's a problem ... Estate of men is certainly more descriptive and emotive than "estate man" (or men) which is less personal. A man may think of such things as being their estate. After all, it's their private property.

    Which makes me think - how about "Private Property" "Private Estate" (I guess they're all taken!). I would guess that could be yours, it's poorly used and hasn't been updated since 2009.

    What are your thoughts? Apart from the comfort of ladies brands. Which by the way are very comfortable ... ;-)

  • Posted by azkaar on Author
    Thanks Moriarty, I'll consider all these while finalizing the name:

    Private Property
    Jasper George
    Double Stitch
    CladMAN (Clothed man)
    Fiber One

  • Posted by azkaar on Author
    Another one is, Hunky Duds (meaning satisfactory Apparel). Got it after some fishing in the
  • Posted by Moriarty on Accepted
    I would test all of your chosen names. See how your customers react!

    Hunky Duds sounds fun - my fave is still Men's Estate

    Private property is also v. good.

    Clad man and fibre 1 - not so sure. But then, I'm not buying. They are. So ask them ;-) I think you've got some great stuff to kick off a great campaign. Good luck!
  • Posted by azkaar on Author
    Thanks Moriarty. That was a great help :)

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