
Topic: Taglines/Names

Looking For A Unique Name For A Shopping Center

Posted by tonyamhaynes on 125 Points
I am trying to come up with a unique name for a development group and shopping center. Looking for something not too long and easy to remember but also catchy. We have The Blackstone on the top of our list but we are still not satisfied. Suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
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  • Posted by Moriarty on Accepted
    On seeing Blackstone, my first thought was of Dublin - but that's Blackrock of course ... and then there's Blackwell's on Broad street.

    What special qualities should this name evoke in your customer's minds? What do you intend it to evoke? My point is that you are a development group, and you have an attendant shopping center. If you use a name that says nothing, it's going to cost a good deal of money to get it known. They say that a branded name needs to be seen eight times to be remembered.

    If you link your name to a landmark in the neighborhood - or something that the neighborhood is known for - would make the name more approachable. Just doing this will make it immediately identifiable to the locals. That's when it becomes "catchy".

    Anything that makes the area or the community special needs to take precedence. And we need to know that if we are to do our jobs properly.

  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Accepted
    You could go with "Two Corners Development Group" and then something like "Triangle Square" for the Shopping Center.

    Of course, use the appropriate geometric terms and shapes unique to your situation, and meaningful for target audience.
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    What's the thinking behind "The Blackstone"? What criteria are you using to select a winning name?

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